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  1. #1
    Angel Wolf 13
    Angel Wolf 13's Avatar

    ANIMAL SHELTER MEDIA NEWS: Did your TV Station report Shelter News Recently?

    Just caught a quick story on CNN, highlighting the Chihuahua and Chi-mixes that are swamping the Humane Societies, Animal Shelters and Rescues in California. And, all over the Nation. They are hoping the media coverage will attempt to educate the masses and put an end to the Designer Dog Syndrome that has swept our nation. There are thousands of these young and older dogs up for "procurement".

    Will you please describe the media coverage you have seen this year on the crisis we are experiencing, so hopefully it will deter some members from breeding, or "procuring" from BYB's?

    Also, how about we contact our local media and ask for this type story to be run more often?

    Thanks so much, have a great Sunday!

    PS: I was hoping we could "star" this Q, so the message continues to spread!
    EDIT: WOW! Thank You for the Stars! I was hoping that someone saw a media story about this subject! LOL!
    EDIT: ANIMAL ARTWORK: I have heard the same thing for the past year.....Some are not rescues, simply masked businesses. Great suggestion for our local news to pick up!!

  2. #2
    Our local news anchors all love animals,too,and frequently run stories on overpopulated animal shelters in need of homes for animals - all kinds of dogs and cats,not just Chihuahuas. One of the weathermen,Dick Goddard,from Cleveland,has been an animal lover all of his life,and he has animals on the set several times a weeks,trying to find homes for them.

    So yes,they do many stories about animals in need. And the Chihuahua story- I did read it,and it seems that many people ran out and got Chihuahuas after "Beverly Hills Chihuahua," and are now abandoning them. It's never a good idea to get a dog just because you saw it in a movie,or because someone famous has one.

  3. #3
    Rottified's Avatar
    They are trying to close one down in a near by county.
    They are saying something to the lines of the people who are trying to close it are the people who have the most to gain from closing it.

    Yeah I heard of there being too many chi and chi mixes in some places.

  4. #4
    Christine~Here to Help
    Christine~Here to Help's Avatar
    The humane society in my city occasionally has chihuahuas flown in from California. They are always tons of people wanting them here, which is great. The media has always covered this.

  5. #5
    Arizona's Avatar
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    Many breeds are all over local and national news.
    Az.Chi rescues are absorbing a tremendous amount from millers closing down due to failing economy.
    Busts all over Arizona with 400 breed specific animals send all rescues into overwhelm as they effort to absorb them across the country.
    If you look on pet finders alone-many months ago they had well over 5000 chi dogs alone.
    It's hard to keep up with the massive breeding programs,transport and vetting involved.
    Thanks for posting.

  6. #6
    Calvin- Sweet as Butter
    Calvin- Sweet as Butter's Avatar
    Wow, that's odd, there was one only a few days ago!
    The media does some stories from time to time...usually things like adopt-a-thons or such...I vaguely remember the media doing something about something they had going on at the Oregon Humane Society, there was, I think a bunch of the Golden Retriever/Poodle mixes...ANYWAYS, the story was that this one breeder had a BUNCH of Fox Terriers, I believe, and when the Humane Society was investigating her place, she signed them off because she had too much(definite BYB, though they didn't say).
    It was kind of an advertisement for them, to adopt out the dogs(there were a LOT!!!).
    Yes, and good idea!
    I seem to recall there's been running some things on the news on one channel asking for stories...hmm >

  7. #7
    wishnuwelltoo's Avatar
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    Where I currently live, they have a huge problem with hoarders, so that makes the news here quite often. The sad part is that one man arrested for hoarding cats had 100 cats again within a year. It isn't like these people are taking care of the animals they are hoarding, most are starving, not counting the ones that are dead. Unfortunately the vet care here is horrific also. Unfortunately narcissistic people are incapable of taking responsibility for their actions or behaviors, so anything you can say about breeding designer dog syndrome would be wasted, they wouldn't comprehend what you say.

  8. #8
    We adopted a beautiful German Shepherd mix a little over three months ago from our local SPCA. But before we found him we had been to many shelters, also looking at shelters online. And I did notice that there were so many Chihuahuas and Pit Bills looking for a home. It did seem like many of the shelters had an excess of these two breeds. I felt so sorry for them. Personally, I prefer a large breed, I'm afraid I'd accidentally squish a little dog like a Chi, and we're not allowed to have Pits at our building. Honestly, I was looking for a German Shepherd. We've always had GSDs. I still wish I could help those little guys, and gals that need a home.

  9. #9
    Launi *Built Ford Tough*
    Launi *Built Ford Tough*'s Avatar
    Sweetie, in my area our local television stations anchor persons are ALL animal activists. If there is a story to be told they are on it. Last week channel 13's Cynthia Smoot took a walk through our local animal shelter making a point to inform people of all the mixes.........the word 'back yard breeding' is in her vocabulary and she uses it.

  10. #10
    Iggy's Back and Tired
    Iggy's Back and Tired's Avatar
    Yes, it is on the local news nearly every day and all over the Yahoo front page as well.

    They are shipping over 100 Chi's each week to out of state no kill shelters and to rescue clubs, this has been happening for some time now.



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