And your in the middle of a battle. Then Intel says that some scouts have reported a large group of enemy troops heading to your position. Lucky for you guys they are going through a narrow road and it's a good place to ambush them. So your squad is tasked to ambush them. So you get in a chopper and head towards the enemies position. During the ride the chopper is being bombarded by enemy AA guns but luckily the choppers advanced armor is rendering the useless since they do no damage. All of a sudden you get the urge to take a real big dump and you can't hold it. you ask your squad leader for help and he says poop out the window of the chopper or crap yourself. So what would you do? Poop out the window of the chopper and risk getting your but hit by enemy fire or crap yourself and make your comrades suffer with a terrible smell?
Just answer the question I'm not asking for your opinion on the matter.