My LG Keybo got in contact with a little bit of water one too many times. So I'm trying a few different methods like the white-rice-in-a-bag thing, and I also tried blowdrying it. I'm signed with TELUS, so I expect answers from people who are also with TELUS, and not answers that tell me to switch or anything else ridiculous.

If the phone isn't back to normal within 24-48 hours, I'm just going to buy a new one, because repair services aren't that great, and the phone was kind of crappy anyway. I visited my TELUS mobility account and looked at the 'change phone' option, which costs $10.00 in your account to use. Okay, so I have a balance of $7.67, so obviously I cannot do that.

I was just wondering how the phone changing thing works. Do I go to Walmart, buy the phone model I want, and register it again, or what's the scoop?
I said I DO NOT want answers telling me to switch my services. I'm perfectly happy with them. I asked for answers that tell me what will happen when my phone is damaged and I need to switch it. JESUS CHRIST.