calls? Recommended models? I am going to be dumping my land line, replacing it with a Skype phone of some ilk.

I am thinking of getting a stereo headset of some kind; one that could be used to chat on Skype or be used to talk on my cell phone (and be able to listen to stereo music from the cell phone as well).

I have a small little earpiece but that's not comfortable for long conversations; just portable.

My computer is not bluetooth capable but I know there are dongles available.

Anyone who is Skype and bt knowledgeable; will such a setup work?

Also I'm curious what stereo headsets are recommended. Ideally, I'd like a mic with a boom, since the tiny mics in the earpiece don't pick up the tones of my voice very well. So I'm most interested in call quality.

In lieu of a decent quality headset in my price range right away, maybe I should consider a phone line adapter for Skype, for now? I know those exist.

What do you suggest?