Im 16 years old & this and i've been hooking up with a guy, that i do have a past with (actually several). Were pretty good friends and he has shared alot of his past and personal life with me recently so this time i thought it would be different, and it actually is! He has treated me so much better and im really happy
Only problem is a typical day/night were hanging out everything is great until the car ride home. When he picks me up we have plenty to talk about nothings akward, and its really great. Were really comfortable with each other and when we get intimate thats good too. Even after we get intimate were really close and i feel really safe& secure.
BUT on the ride home i feel terrible. I feel like im sitting next to a stranger, and we really have nothing to talk about. For once he's trying to make conversation more then me but i just can't engage. I feel nauseous and even have teared up a few times because its just the worst feeling. Im definently not attached enough that its like me "missing" him or something. i just feel this HUGE disconnect and its the most horrible thing.
Why is this happening? I told a friend and she said the same thing happens with her & her boyfriend. I just wanna know why i feel this way, and if theres anything i can do to change it. help?