Does anyone ever wonder (those of u who were born into screwed up lives), why some people get it okay. They have nice, halfway normal parents, they never starved. Those halfway normal parent maybe showed them some love. Why is there this pocket that I got stuck in and can't climb out now? Sometimes I wonder what this life is worth. I'm still whining about my childhood because my sisters and I never had anyone to take care of us. I had to take care of them all of my life. I keep moving from one abusive relationship to another. I dont have custody of my teenage girls, I had them sooo young. But I have this new 7 month old baby who needs me. She needs me to not be battered and bruised all of the time. I am just venting here. Anyone who wants to respond please don't mention battered women's shelters. Been there done that and it was awful for me and my little baby girl.