I wrote this poem that follows the rhyming and syllable patterns of a sonnet but it does NOT follow an iambic pentameter (at least, not that I know of). Would it still be considered a sonnet?

It seemed as if ev’rything had been tried,
Fruitless attempts; no place for me to go.
No success foretold, no one as my guide,
But you know: sometimes, the journey is slow.
It may seem as if it cannot be done,
They may convince you that you won’t achieve.
Such prophesied failures you’d better shun,
One can do anything if they believe.
And I was convinced that I was hopeless,
But an increase in patience, I endured.
With time and with effort I saw progress,
And you will as well; you can be assured.
If you try and you fail, do not complain.
You must try once more, time and time again.

Feel free to provide constructive criticism/editing.