Looking to buy a bike, and the SV650 ive found has 24k miles for 3500 from a dealership, and then the S40 is a private sale for 2900 with 1200 miles.

S40 concerns:
The back firing, although ive heard its common or typical for this bike i dont look forward to that. I imagine its bad sounding, but most say its very minimal and you can barely tell unless youre really listening for it. The other downside is the carbs... im not looking forward to another bike with carbs. Although the only real issues ive ever had with carbs was my 78 CB550 which warranted issues. Ive heard the S40s are extremely easy to maintain.

The SV650 is fuel injected, 24k miles on the bike as well, but from what ive heard 24k isnt anything for these bikes which can last until 80K+ or more. and the downside is 600 bucks more. I have my eyes set on an sv650, but they seem to be hard to find for under 4 grand in good condition unless they are pre-2003

I honestly want a bike that can perform well and im thinking an SV650 will provide that. I dont intend on taking the bike outside of town. it will just be for commuting. The longest trip i think id do in one go would be about 30-40 miles.

Any other pros and cons you guys can think of i should consider?
Oh yeah, im 5'7" and 135lbs... i am a small dude, but i didnt have any problems with my cb550 which was 480 lbs or so. SV650 i think is 375 lbs?