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  1. #1
    Paint Splatter
    Paint Splatter's Avatar

    NY Times: Mccain camp has crossed the ethical line?


    What do you think of this article from the NY Times? Agree, Disagree?
    I don't believe that the Mccain Camp should be promoting fear at the time of national crisis. There are bigger issues to attend to.
    Yes, I am a Obama supporter too, so it' s sensible that I put sources amongst those lines =]

  2. #2
    Jim T
    Jim T's Avatar
    NY TIMES, ETHICS IN JOURNALISM?? now thats what I call an OXYMORON......with emphasis on MORON, example: Frank Rich

  3. #3
    Lyle G
    Lyle G's Avatar
    Democrat glossary:
    Unethical - mentioning any actual fact about a Democrat.
    example: "My opponent is a Democrat" is an unethical statement.

  4. #4
    queentutt's Avatar
    The truth is Obama is a terrorist.

    Everything around Obama is corrupt.

    Look at his record, what has he done?

    Look at his plans - they are a destruction in disguise.

    He is already destroying America as we speak, he has already separated Americans and has caused them to be against each other.

    I am a American and I refuse to put a terrorist in office, I refuse to let terrorist take a way my freedoms.

    McCain & Palin "08"
    True Americans for the American People

  5. #5
    sophist's Avatar
    McCain said much the same when he called an end to all the name calling by his supporters. He went so far as to say, "Senator Obama would make a good president if he should be elected. I just think I would be a better one." He said this among jeers and boos. The one statement he could have made and did not was, "If can't respect the man at least respect his office."

  6. #6
    porquemoi's Avatar
    The NYT crossed the ethical line so long ago that they don't even know where it is. I don't trust their judgment on any thing.

  7. #7
    elway07's Avatar
    It's not fear that they're promoting, they have every right to look into Obama's background. Obama's campaign has done that to McCain but of course since their liberal democrats they NEVER get scrutinized for checking into someone's background who's running for President!!!!!!!!! But of course, once a Republican starts to look into someone's background especially a democrat like Obama then all eyes are on McCain and his campaign will never hear the end of it.

    You call that fair????????????????? I think NOT!!! Its the most obvious thing that when a Republican candidate checks into an opponents background who's the most liberal thing on the planet, he gets hounded and yet when the situation is the other way around, Obama's campaign will never hear one bad word. I hate politics.

    And another thing, what the he** does the NY times know. They're apart of the insane media world in which we're absorbed in and of course they're gonna join the bandwagon and go after McCain for doing the EXACT same thing Obama did to him because like the rest of the media they're all liberal crackheads!!!!!!!!!

    There are other issues to attend to when our economy is getting flushed down the toilet but because Obama is SOOOOOOOOO liberal his background needs to be checked. I'm tellin' you his a terrorist or ally with terrorists in disguise. I'm not saying that because I'm desperate... I am in NO way, shape or form desperate. If any party in this whole mess is desperate its the democrats. The celebrities who support this goofball have to go all the way over to Switzerland to get campaign money... are you kidding me??????????? And Obama went all the over to Germany to campaign for himself and when neither one of those countries probably doesn't have a clue about who he is and most of all they can't even vote for him. What's the point of campaigning in a country when they can't ever legally vote for you!!!!???? Now who's desperate?????

    God Bless America

  8. #8
    annie w
    annie w's Avatar
    Disagree. I think there should be more questions put out there about Obama's associations. ***

  9. #9
    Michael R-4
    Michael R-4's Avatar
    Frank Rich is a dufus. The article has several omissions of fact and implied falsities.



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