Okay so last night I had a dream that I had, had me and my hubby's baby girl. And that everyone kept on taking her from me and that I was constantly having to ask "Can I please have my daughter back?" It wasn't like they were stealing my baby they just all kept on taking her and showing her off, out of excitement I guess. I woke up from my dream kind of bothered.

Has anyone ever worried about that... People constantly wanting to hold your baby. Or telling you what to do with him or her? I had never really thought about it... Until last night. I wonder if every ones excitement over the baby will cause them to come on very strong. Not to mention we have a huge family and I am REALLY worried about everyone wanting to hold her and pass her around....

Does anyone else worry about this? How do you handle it, or plan on handling it?

I guess the whole dream thing has me wondering...