Making love to you is like a religion to me
Nothing dirty but something pure and clean
A feeling so strong just could'nt be wrong
Looking into your eyes I see a beautiful song
The song so sweet and the feelings so deep
Makes me want to take that headlong leap
Out of the safety and into the deep
Like an old time hero of legends they tell
For you I'd walk barefoot, the burning sands of hell
You picked me up when I was down
I'd be happy just to be your clown
But I am a soldier and the bugle calls
So here I go over the falls
Through this realm of darkness I travel
The light that shines from you, won't let me unravel
On this perilous voyage to your domain of light
The beasts I encounter cause me no fright
Make no mistake, this is a march of war
A righteous conquest drives me to your door
To your castle I will wage a tender seige
Your heart is the prize I pray to seize
A warrior so pious,
On a quest for a prize so precious
Cannot die easily, for the cause is so righteous
I long for the day when you let down your defenses
Call off the dogs and hand me your surrender
You are my queen, make me your king
Songs of this love, the angels will sing
For centuries to come, benevolent will we reign
In a kingdom without subjects and no sight of rain
Our deeds and adventures will not go untold
They will be the fodder of legend related by the old .