I'm doing a compare and contrast essay between the two presidents inaugural speeches: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. I know what to write for the essay.. I'm just having trouble making a starting paragraph to get my essay going.

*Note: I am in 11th grade and taking an AP class so maybe no essays starting with: "I would like to compare and contrast __ and __" or " Lincoln and Kennedy's Inaugural Addresses are similar and different because.." *

I can't think of a great attention grabber paragraph. Mind throwing out some ideas? Maybe it might spark something.

How does this sound? " Throughout history, inaugural addresses have been given by Presidents to help build an emotional and strong impression toward the audience with great powerful statements. Some more different than others yes, like the two assassinated Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy"

What do you think? Good? Modifications? Suggestions?
Thank you in advance.