Its a 5 year old Celeron laptop with 30GB hard drive running Win XP (Amillo Pro V2010).
I want to keep using this as a secondary PC as my Win 7 machine does not want to run many old applications, but I want to fit it with a decent sized drive.
Read somwhere that 128 GB was as big as this machine would go / address, but I can't see why I couldnt go to at least 160 GB ...
The current drive is a Toshiba with an IDE (P-ATA) connector.
... the current drive is compromised with malware, so I would need to re-format it anyway, and as its going to be a "low security machine" I use for downloading and the dodgier sites think a bit more internal HDD space could be useful.

... also think there's a limit as to how big a 2.5 inch IDE "legacy" drive you can buy ?