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  1. #1
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    25% of Los Angeles electricity comes from AZ. AZ offers to cancel contract

    All in bitch

  2. #2
    bruce dickinson
    bruce dickinson
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    25% of Los Angeles electricity comes from AZ. AZ offers to cancel contract

    anyways, if I am LA, I call the bluff. someone will provide electricity. if you pay more, so what?

  3. #3
    Desert Eagle
    Desert Eagle
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    25% of Los Angeles electricity comes from AZ. AZ offers to cancel contract

    Ok. I make no pretenses I know about their arrangements. I'll defer to you and others on that.

  4. #4
    |3illy the |<
    |3illy the |<
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    25% of Los Angeles electricity comes from AZ. AZ offers to cancel contract

    Good idea lurker.

    LA, especially East LA has a massive Hispanic/Latino population. Also it's one of the poorer demographics. So jack up the cost of electricity. They can't afford it so they start moving and going to new areas. Guess which state is closest and where they end up? The one with cheap electricity of course.

  5. #5
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    25% of Los Angeles electricity comes from AZ. AZ offers to cancel contract


    That power can be sold elsewhere- LA isn't the only city that needs generation. So.... not hurting Arizona. Beyond that, you think there's room in the LA budget for extra expenditures?

    If they simply pass the higher costs on to consumers you think the average Angeleno is going to be happy paying higher rates because Arizona might, or might not, be discriminating? Good political move- "We're so incensed that Arizona granted it's police officers the same authority the federal government has granted to it's officers that we're jacking up your power bill by $25/month". Yeah.... that's gonna play well in the Forum parking lot.

    I hope those dumb fucks do it too.

  6. #6
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    25% of Los Angeles electricity comes from AZ. AZ offers to cancel contract

    Will Los Angeles carry through with their boycott resolution and negotiate a cancellation of this contract?

    That boycott is in the top 10 list of idiotic political stunts.


    Arizona dares L.A. to carry out boycott

    The spat over Arizona's new immigration expanded Tuesday as a state official dared the city of Los Angeles to follow through on its new boycott by agreeing to give up the 25 percent of electricity that city gets from Arizona sources.

    In a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Arizona Corporation Commissioner Gary Pierce said a boycott war is bad for both sides, and said he would "be happy to encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate your power agreements" to end the electricity flowing to Los Angeles.

    "I am confident that Arizona's utilities would be happy to take those electrons off your hands," Mr. Pierce said. "If, however, you find that the City Council lacks the strength of its convictions to turn off the lights in Los Angeles and boycott Arizona power, please reconsider the wisdom of attempting to harm Arizona's economy."

    Los Angeles's city council voted overwhelmingly last week to adopt a boycott of Arizona businesses

  7. #7
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    25% of Los Angeles electricity comes from AZ. AZ offers to cancel contract

  8. #8
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    25% of Los Angeles electricity comes from AZ. AZ offers to cancel contract

    The speeches were just an added bonus that allowed you justify rallying behind a fairly unknown candidate who was promising to fix all the world's problems.

  9. #9
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    25% of Los Angeles electricity comes from AZ. AZ offers to cancel contract

    Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is such a stupid piece of shit

  10. #10
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    25% of Los Angeles electricity comes from AZ. AZ offers to cancel contract

    I don't know much about your conservative/liberal generalizations, but in real politics both sides lie frequently, obfuscate the truth to reach goals, and generally behave in a fashion that is contrary to the morality found in adolescent literature.



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