Is there a jailbreak out yet for the iPhone 3GS MC Model with the new 4.0.2 firmware? My iPhone is currently jailbroken on ios4.0 and unlocked with ultrasn0w. I haven't updated to 4.0.2 because I know that I would lose my jailbreak and unlock. So this isn't an emergency or anything. I just wanted know if there is another jailbreak for the iPhone 3GS - the new MC Model on 4.0.2. So, that in the future I could maybe update and then jailbreak and unlock my iPhone again. But I want to be really sure it would work. If not, I'm not too bothered because I'm already on ios4.0 which already has the multi-tasking and stuff. Also, are all iPhone 3GS's MC Models or are there some that are the Non MC Models? I was just wondering.

Thank you!