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Thread: I'm o

  1. #1
    taja b
    taja b's Avatar

    I'm o

    ...suggestions? You appear so solemn
    and so bare like a skeleton
    tree stripped of all of its leaves
    from a bitter winter breeze.

    But behind your eyes,
    I can see your contents
    of your spirit dancing
    like light, bouncing
    back and forth in a
    room of mirrors,
    displaying a lumunious
    soul interweaved
    in murky brown irises.

    So relase those contents,
    swirling and ceasing your
    solemn state, carressing
    you in an supernova aura!

    Become your
    luminous nature of a
    summer tree-
    with strong branches
    with emerald leaves!

    I want, you want, we
    want to see the clouds
    of light and emerald leaves
    conceal the skeleton tree.

  2. #2
    Une Fille
    Une Fille's Avatar
    It's good. There's a ton of imagery--which is always good--but try to embellish the person. Don't just compare her to personified objects--give her her own qualities, and make them sound completely unique.
    Also, I wouldn't use the phrase 'murky brown irises'. It really detracts from the poem's romanticism. 'Murky brown' sounds like you're describing mud or poo or something, and 'irises' is too scientific.
    Other than that, it's great!

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  3. #3
    flamingogurl185's Avatar
    maybe you can change "contents" to "lies"?

    i love this poem very much. mind if i quote you, some lines would make a good msn name.

  4. #4
    Lucy's Avatar
    really good. the only thing i would say is swap the word 'contents' for something else. it just doesn't fit.

  5. #5
    Danielle M
    Danielle M's Avatar
    I'm not really into poems but it sounded really nice and like it came from an experienced author.



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