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  1. #21

    "The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    I'll give you "The Principal And The Pauper" but "The City Of New York Vs. Homer Simpson"!? Come on! That episode was a total classic!

    Well, anyway, I seem to be one of the few putting it high on my favorites list so I don't know. Watch "The Joy Of Sect".

  2. #22

    "The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    Myst always critical of the simpsons

    Prince and the pauper was a big FU from weinstien and oakley

    but i liked it sans the end was a cop out

  3. #23

    "The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    I must be one of the few that actually LIKED Pauper. I mean, it's not my favorite episode of all time, but I thought the way they revealed Skinner's REAL backstory was well-written, in the sense that they didn't just reveal in a half-assed way, "Oh yeah, I'm a fraud." They made a whole backstory that actually made sense, in a twisted way. The whole idea that Agnes and Skinner both sorta knew the truth but that the lie made both happier was kinda real- sorta like denial. The episode also brought out a lot of interesting viewpoints on how the townspeople would react if someone they knew for years turned out to be fake, like when Apu says, "Just call yourself whatever the hell you want."

    The episode's also very funny. I love the car scene, where more and more people are revealed to be in Homer's car ("Because Jasper didn't wanna come by himself!"). Chalmers being "kind" and letting Skinner sleep on the floor that night was good, as was Skinner's "Up yours, children!" and "All my dreams involve combing my hair."

    Anyway, I think it's pretty much agreed upon that season 9 is the best of the Scully years. However, I don't think that season 10 is an atrocity like some do, since it's still very funny, so I'll be picking that season up whenever it gets released. After that... meh, it's really debatable whether I'll continue.

  4. #24
    KCW's Avatar

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    "The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    Hey uh you guys, just so you know, I liked Principal and the Pauper too.

  5. #25
    K-Jean's Avatar

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    Sep 2009

    "The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    Are you reffering to "NY vs Homer" or "Joy" as being high on your list but not on other's? Because, I see "NY vs Homer" mentioned quite a bit in discussions of favorite episodes.

  6. #26

    "The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    I haven't seen anybody really mention "The City Of New York Vs. Homer Simpson" in this topic.

    I don't mind it. I thought it was a funny enough episode. The plot was just kinda far out and compared to so many classics in this season, I don't think it holds up as well. In this set, it's definitely a 2/5. It's a 5/5 compared to a lot of more recent episodes. It also bothers me that none of it has ever been mentioned again, to my knowledge.

    Only because I can understand why someone wouldn't like the episode. It's generally not a very popular episode so I can understand not liking it. Though I'm baffled as to how he didn't like "The City Of New York vs. Homer Simpson".

  7. #27

    "The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    Remember, nobody in Springfield was allowed to mention the whole situation again, under penalty of torture. That's actually my favorite on the set. The animation was really well-done, the joke quality fairly consistent, and I liked how Homer was having such a horrible time in NYC while his family was having a great time. It was also interesting to see how Homer lets a bad experience with NYC in the past hamper his ability to enjoy how much NYC improved in the past couple of decades.

    An interesting bit that I agree with on the commentaries is how many sports movie cliches "Bart Star" broke. That's part of what made that episode so enjoyable to me; instead of a typical "pathetic underdogs rise up to become a decent team" story, the story is told in a more original fashion. Heck, Flanders even shot down Lisa's attempted moral crusades right at the start.

  8. #28

    "The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    I knew that a few of them are talking heads at NOHOMERS.Net

  9. #29

    "The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    The old fanbase does have relevance now though. It puts it into perspective how the "turning point" changes over time. In ten years, the "turning point" may be placed at season 16 by newer fans.

  10. #30

    "The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    I wouldn't be too sure. If you actually study the old posts at the old fan base, those that agree with the show having declined were really anal and seemed to judge it more in terms of continuity, slight character inconsistencies, and changes in general; they seemed less concerned with how funny the show was, but seemed to dislike change of any sort. It was every time a new showrunner was chosen or that fourth wall breaks happened that controversy among the fan base really occurred. Now that it's been a while, fans of all kinds and ages have a better perspective on how the show developed and are better able to judge it. Seeing as how the fans who agree with the turning point being in season 9 are both long-time fans and recent fans, young and old, and overall come from a variety of backgrounds, and yet most have been able to generally agree on a turning point, and have thought so for quite some time. Maybe I'm being naive, but I can't see the turning point change so dramatically for whatever reason in years to come.



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