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  1. #31
    Ron_Cullen's Avatar

    The Twilight Saga: Because the Cullens Aren't the Only Family With a Secret! *Spoilers*

    OMG I actually saw the midnight showing last night/this morning! It was insane. Get ready for my lengthy review!

    [sp]Okay my only minor complaint is that the movie seemed to go by so quickly, I guess because there was just so much. They totally added in a lot of the important stuff but I still wanted more. Here's to hoping there will be lots of deleted scenes on the DVD.

    Other than that let me just say... DAMN!

    That cut off ending, totally not expecting that. I love that we got Edward's first proposal and then it just cut off as we got a few seconds of Bella's facial reaction. I just thought that was great. It leaves you so thirsty for the next one.

    The Jacob scenes really didn't bother me as much as they thought except when it got to the near kissing, that's when I had to cringe.

    The werewolves weren't in the movie as much as I was expecting them to be. I guess because the fangirl in me wanted to see them more in human form. The stuff we did get from the wolves was great though.

    Ha ha it was totally hilarious when it cut from the Bella/Laurent/Wolves scene to Bella freaking out and telling her dad and Harry that they weren't bears. Seeing her freak out like that was great.

    Man I can't remember much of the lines that were used because there were so many great ones.

    We got a lot more Charlie/Bella interraction than I was expecting so that was cool. I love how Charlie added in some of that humor with all the stuff Bella was going through.

    Bella's Depression: Damn KStew was daed on! I absolutely loved every minute of her scenes. Those screams- ah definately the best part for me. LOL!

    I liked the visualization they used with the months passing by and Bella sitting at the window. I thought that was awesome.

    Oh and Bella taking off on the motorcycle with some random dude, I thought that was definately an awesome scene to add in. It worked really well.

    LOL man there was just so much, can't believe I'm not done with my review yet...

    They left in that Carlisle/Bella scene with him talking about why he loves his work. I'm glad. I always found that to be an endearing father/daughter moment for those two.

    Alice, Alice, Alice. Ashley Greene was awesome. She totally added in that great spice to thing.

    We got the Cullen voting moment! It's not truly NM without it. So glad they left that in. While I kind of would have liked more interraction between Esme and Bella in that moment, other than that it was great.

    Okay so I think that about covers it. Anything I missed?

    Oh yeah Bella's dream at the beginning, it was great that they kept in her old lady/Edward dream. That was one of my faves.

    Oh and the vision we got of Alice seeing Bella and Edward, while it was a little on the cheesey fairytale side (which was great!) we got to see a glimpse of Bella as a vampire!!!! And she could not have looked more stunning. That jeweled skin and those golden eyes; she was born for this life! Incredible.

    Ha totally loved Aro. He's got his own weird sense of humor so it makes it kind of hard not to like him.

    Dakota Fanning- for such a small role she certainly made an impact. It was great.

    Oh duh, of course there was something I missed, my ship!

    I loved at just how much Edward there was. It was awesome to see him as hallucinations for Bella.

    I loved all the kisses we got. They were smokin' hot and just like they wanted more, so did I. Was not disappointed (come on bring on Breaking Dawn!)

    The reunion was perfect. All that time waiting for it and it sealed up nicely.


    There were squeels when Rob showed up too.

    Ugh and then screams when Jake too his shirt off. LOL I could've cared less about that scene.

    That ending- man I can't get over it. How they just chopped it off. It was an excellent cliffhanger don't get me wrong but ugh! LOL in the theater everyone just like freaked, they couldn't believe it ended that way either.

    I thought Alice's vision was sweet. It was cheesey like I said but that's also what made it so damn adorable!

    The banter between Alice and Jake was great. I especially loved how Alice would wait until Bella "put the dog out." [/sp]

  2. #32
    mmmbacon's Avatar

    The Twilight Saga: Because the Cullens Aren't the Only Family With a Secret! *Spoilers*

    yeah ellen just cracks me up!

    i really hope that it's not the last eclipse trailer, thats not fair, we have only had 1 out so far. i need more teasers!

    YouTube - HQ Official Eclipse Oprah Trailer Preview!

  3. #33
    raychiii's Avatar

    The Twilight Saga: Because the Cullens Aren't the Only Family With a Secret! *Spoilers*

    I think I'm going to go see it like a week later, but I am going to go see it twice or something.

  4. #34
    theultimategleek's Avatar

    The Twilight Saga: Because the Cullens Aren't the Only Family With a Secret! *Spoilers*

    Hey nayda. I cant wait for the DVD as well

  5. #35
    esni's Avatar

    The Twilight Saga: Because the Cullens Aren't the Only Family With a Secret! *Spoilers*

    yeah, new moon was so much more like the book! in twilight it felt like the one who wrote the script just randomly added things as he/she wanted.

    in twilight i got sooo irritated 'cause kirsten didn't seem to know how to smile, terrible acting too. waaay better in new moon!

    i think the girl playing victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard?) was awesome! don't really like victoria in the book though! (but i wouldn't say no to her hair.... )

  6. #36
    mmmbacon's Avatar

    The Twilight Saga: Because the Cullens Aren't the Only Family With a Secret! *Spoilers*

    ^seriously 20 minutes of deleted scenes! OMG i need to watch them now!

    [sp]one thing i was wondering about was a dream sequence it looked like the were filming with bella looking down at her body and edward doing the same with her bed in the middle of the forest. i was looking for that scene in the movie, but it never came up. also when bella gets the cullen crest ring. ah deleted scenes how i love you. need them now. i really hope we see alice saying the slap part, that was like my favorite part in the whole book.[/sp]

    not sure what my favorite part was since it was all really good. in twilight i loved the baseball scene and the 15 seconds of edward and bella walking into school while he was wearing the sunglasses, so funny and cute. with NM it's hard to decide what i liked most.

  7. #37
    Matt Logan
    Matt Logan's Avatar

    The Twilight Saga: Because the Cullens Aren't the Only Family With a Secret! *Spoilers*

    So far it making history based on # of theaters it is being relased in

    Around noon today I broke the news that Summit Entertainment is releasing the third movie in the Twilight Saga franchise into a record 4,416theaters in North America. That's the biggest ever in Hollywood history, surpassing Iron Man 2 which scored 4,380 venues.

    word is all night people where lined all over the globe to see Twilight Eclipse . Perhaps it will break us Record for quickest to 100 million 3 days (set buy last Batman movie .4 other movies have the record of making 100 million in 3 days .

    we will see .

    I plan ongoing but wait till early next week ,figure first 5-6 days it will be crazy ,plus we want to see it at IMAX

  8. #38
    jackiehydelover's Avatar

    The Twilight Saga: Because the Cullens Aren't the Only Family With a Secret! *Spoilers*

    We'll need to pick an Eclipse appropiate title

    So is anyone excited? We have what, two weeks until Eclipse? Can't wait!!! It's my favorite book of the series so I can't wait to see it. I'm looking forward to the tent seen :love:

  9. #39
    mmmbacon's Avatar

    The Twilight Saga: Because the Cullens Aren't the Only Family With a Secret! *Spoilers*

    YouTube - Dakota Fanning on Ellen+NEW New Moon scene!!!! (2009-11-16)

    and taylor lautner will be on jay leno tonight with another NM clip.


  10. #40
    mmmbacon's Avatar

    The Twilight Saga: Because the Cullens Aren't the Only Family With a Secret! *Spoilers*

    ^you make me giggle

    yeah i heard that she is still writing the script. i just figured that until it was known whether the book would be 1 or 2 movies they wouldn't hire a director.



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