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Thread: I'm Home

  1. #41
    marshrose's Avatar

    I'm Home

    I know, but you will see each week will get better and better I've had 6 weeks now. Today whooped me with Easter and going to see my aunt for 2hrs trying to stand and/or sit so I'm really hurting but, I made it (didn't drive lol).

    Either way to SIT at a computer is great, I could hardly do that when I got home, especially as soon as you are my gosh!

    Your incisions the same size as mine in the back, was wondering I kept thinking mine was big lol so for me.....glad we match.

    I too had to do that blowing thing in the hospital, it helps clear out your lungs, I only got a few good coughs in at the hospital, but I was alright when I got home, maybe only a cough or 2, but you were under longer than me, my surgery was about 1 and 1/2 hrs.
    If you're coughing TOO much, or it turns to that call the dr to check up with them.

    I hate sneezing my gosh, I am living on zyrtec now with the seasons changing.
    As for your lil one, I couldn't imagine picking her up, even now at 6 weeks, I tried to move over a 12pk case of soda and it killed my back when and after I tried 2 weeks ago, so now I don't touch anything but the half gallon of creamer for my coffee.

    I was very excited to get to goto the grociery store even thou I was dyin after and today some, and slept like a baby for 2hrs when we got home yest, and last nite, and I slept today too from seeing my aunt, for about 3 hrs. I'm whooped.

    I take the 10mg percocet still if I am doing something (like grociery store, go for mini 'walk', and today w/ aunt) other than that the around the house ups and downs laying I take 10mg Lorcet (which is a stronger hydrocodone than vicoden). Even thou it doesn't get RID of the pain, it knocks it down a notch or 2. Once I really get sore even the percocet doesn't really make me that comfortable, only laying down for about an hr or so will help on some days, it's a crap shoot for me, but each week improves alittle.

    Thank goodness they make those toilet risers aye?? I'm still using mine, I have 2 bathrooms, so on occasion for the past week or so I've tried the regular toilet but, it's hard to get back up let alone to use the sink counter to try to get down to the stupid regular toilet lol

    Once I started trying to get around alittle, I noticed my incision area would swell, so for about a week I used ice packs, but the gel kinRAB that are great and conform to your back and they stay colder longer, ace makes them, I got them at the food store, so you may want a few of those soon depending, just remeraber.

    Well I am off moms whipping out cake LOL! Time to get out of bed

    Keep up the good work!

  2. #42
    marshrose's Avatar

    I'm Home

    The secretary doesn't know crap, call and ask for the DOCTOR to call you. "More pills" doesn't count for nausea meRAB after a major BACK SURGERY on 2 diff strong pains meRAB.

    Its the pain meRAB, I would get waves of nausea, and also this immediate ready 2 puek hurl, It would come in 10 seconRAB flat, and IF I had food in me, that was the end of that.

    The throwing up is going to make your insicisions hurt more of course, and swell.

    The advil I doubt at all, you are already on the 2 pain meRAB that are corabo'd with tylenol in them, your liver is going to get a workout as it is. I would staple that person on the phones but to the wall if I were you, thats absolutely ridiculous, its not like you're asking for more of 'pain meRAB' to take atop of what you're taking, its TO take the pain meRAB.

    I'd call tomorrow and say I've been vomiting every day, which is making my incisions swell alot, and hurt even more. Get that one on the phone GOOD and ask her name for when u see the dr- you have a 2 week appt coming up?? when is your first post op?

    I feel for you with the little one, in another week or 2 you'll be able to do alittle more, and possibly get to be around her more in little intervals, she'll come right back around, you just will give her the green light, for now I know it's upsetting but, this is what we haveto do. When my daughter was 2 she broke my nose! She flung her head back, they taped it in place at the dr office, and I couldn't lift or play with her for 3 weeks at least if she bumped it it would have had to been set, and she did the same thing to me then, and once I was feeling better, we played for a few hrs and she came right back around.

    Ice helped me for my back incision with the swelling alot, it didn't apply it right on the incision, but in a throw towel and just the coolness of that helped the incision when I'd lay down. My back started to look all weird with the swelling on the days I was trying to get up more to goto the bathroom and eat etc.

    My first surgery I had no poop for 2 weeks, my stomach distended to nearly 8 months looking preg, and I started to get fevers and then one night out of the blue I had to go and it was constipated aweful hard to pass and horrible, but that was also after I had found out I couldn't urinate in the hospital and something w my bladder, so maybe my bowels were also dealing with that.

    This surgery I went on the 12th? day? Much easier to pass, and I ate alot of prunes flavored with strawberry essence, and drank ALOT of prune juice, if it's cold you can chug a big glass or 2 and that would do the trick for me and still does if I am getting constipated again.

    I went CONSTANTLY after my first time this time, and for a week straight more than 3x a day sometimes, my body caught up to all that stuff I put in it!! So do it in moderation with the extras to make you go, I did everything there is on the market, and nothing started it, but once it DID start, I went tons more and constantly from it still being in my body! It took a good 2 weeks for me to not be up at 5am on the toilet constantly all morning.

    Flushable wipes are my best friend now, it makes it so easy since it's so hard to reach back there to begin with to wipe, and showering is harder and I don't shower every day, so those work great. I may keep using them after all this LOL!!! You feel fresher!

    Well as it's 1am and I woke for my pain pills and they are starting to kick in finally, I will put this bad laptop back next to my bed and get some ZZZZzzzzs.

    Set that person straight at the dr's office tomorrow. And get those ace gel pack hot cold ice packs, they are great.

  3. #43
    marshrose's Avatar

    I'm Home

    K you got a fire under my but now, I walked around the block w/ my daughter. I am exhausted, out of breath and dizzy and took an extra half pain pill to do it but I DID IT.
    you still are kicking my but, but I'm going to try to keep up with you. Gives me incentive.

  4. #44
    marshrose's Avatar

    I'm Home

    PS! Don't take a half of your pill before you ask the doctor, if it is time released you're not allowed to take halves. I shouldn't of said half to you. But maybe try one and some tylenol and see how you do

  5. #45
    queenie5's Avatar

    I'm Home

    I went to my family dr. He put me on cyrabalta and xanax. I was a mess, and he said it was contributing to the pain. My pain was much less over the weekend. I walked more yesterday and the pain is bad today. When you do that, do you walk the same amount the next day, or do you walk less. I've been trying to slowly increase. My first thought was not to walk at all today because the pain was bad, but I did anyway.

  6. #46
    Megss's Avatar
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    I'm Home


    I am supposed to go to my parents for my birthday dinner and I am TERRIFIED of riding in the car and leaving the house. I obviously haven't been anywhere in the car yet. I don't want to go. Isn't that terrible?!?!

    As far as the sun and FL, I avoid direct sunlight anyway. I am very fair skinned and burn so easily. I don't tan at all. As soon as the burn wears away I am back to white. I wear the Water Babies SPF 50 sun block! LOL! Same as my daughter. She is not as fair as me though.

    I am so sorry you have had such a tough year. We are too young for this. I have too I guess. Well, Septeraber is when it started to get REALLY bad. But the pain started about a year ago. I keep telling myself that at least it is nothing life threatening like cancer. But at the same time this whole thing has taken my life from me (the things I enjoy and love to do).

    I probably do need potassium. I had DH massage my legs earlier. I think it is a corabo of cramps and nerve pain. The neurontin isn't helping that much. They gave me 3 refills on my neurontin script when I left the hospital, so I assume I will have pains for months. Which leg is your bad leg? Mine is the left, although I do get nerve pain sometimes in my right.

    I am just so drained. Emotionally and physically. I really pray I wont need additional surgeries. Back surgery is a big bummer.

  7. #47
    Mommev38's Avatar

    I'm Home

    Welcome Home Megss! Glad to hear everything went well. Take it easy and let them wait on you! Thinking of you and praying for a successful recovery! :angel: Tami

  8. #48
    Megss's Avatar
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    I'm Home

    Oh I am so happy for you! you will get your life back, I just know it. I will too! I am looking forward to the day I can have a beer! I haven't had a drink in over 6 months, due to the meRAB and just not feeling up to it.

    My legs used to buckle all the time too. I trip now, I think I drag my feet. I also get light headed a lot when I get up. Did i tell you 2 days ago I fell because of it!? I didn't faint though, I just fell. Not good for the roRAB and screws!

    The only thing I don't like about my surgeon is that he gave me no restrictions. It was the hospital PT that did. I guess he thought I would cruz through this since I am only 28. Who knows.

    Sorry you SO is being a butt head. DH is all the time. It's a man thing.

    So when is your next appointment? I am curious as to how often I will need to go.

    You are right about the 2 week mark. I just feel like I am going backwarRAB. I haven't been walking much. I didn't walk for a couple days, and then today I just took one walk.

    Alright DH is going to give me my bath now. I pretty much take a bath every other day. It's gross but I don't care, I don't leave my house.

  9. #49
    Megss's Avatar
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    Thanks you guys! I still just feel so sick every time I get up and walk around. But I am doing good I think. I went outside today for about 7 minutes, and I had my mom give me a shower. I also did the stairs a couple of times. I forgot to mention the tools I got: toilet raiser, grabber, and shower bench. Also, I am so VERY tired. I could just sleep and sleep. I feel like the days are a blur. Still no BM but things are definately moving. I am tooting a lot. I am taking stool softeners.

    Ok back to bed. I wish I could read the other posts, but I am literally so dizzy and tired.

  10. #50
    BlueAtlas's Avatar

    I'm Home

    I'm sorry you're having such a bad day. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory. I hope tomorrow will be better. In the meantime, just stay in bed and rest. Nothing wrong with that!




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