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  1. #1
    Cesia R's Avatar
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    Is anime getting worse or has it just stayed the same?

    Over the past few years i have watched tons of anime. But there is a feeling that i am getting that anime is either declining in quality or maybe I am outgrowing it.

    Lets say that anime started really making waves in the early-to-middle 2000's. If thats the case for most people then by now, in 2010, the people who started watching it were alot younger and are hence 6/7 years(roughly) older. Which means that everyone is now in their 20's at least i would think. I am one of those and has a long time fan I find it disappointing that anime doesnt really cater for this generation who surely by now,must be tired of watching high school romances which really are not funny anymore and over the top fan service animes that have seriously weak story lines. I started watching B Gata H Kei thinking that maybe it could be a little more than the average by introducing sex but it almost made me puke.

    Is that just my perception or do other people share it too? I would have thought they would bring out better anime but the best ones i have found lie in the past.

  2. #2
    tee--'s Avatar
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    Is anime getting worse or has it just stayed the same?

    I've been watching anime since the 90's and I've seen series come and go. My preference in anime is good story lines that have action and a little comedy. Animes are like movies (films), some movies are good and worth watching over and over and some anime are ok and watching them once is good enough. U also have your bad movies that u end up asking yourself, how did i ever think this would b a good flick? When i feel that i'm getting a little tired of anime i just look into categories i normally would not care to watch. Let me give u an example i really like Mecha, normally i would not watch teen series that had to do with i guess real life situations. But i saw an anime that might peak my interest in Initial D due to the racing part. Once i started to watch it i started to realize that it had a good story and it kept me interested. What i'm trying to say maybe u should look into watching anime that u normally would not watch and see how that works.

  3. #3
    ~Hartig~'s Avatar
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    Is anime getting worse or has it just stayed the same?

    I've been watching anime since the 90's too and I personally think it's getting better.

    Maybe you're outgrowing it...

  4. #4
    Aimee M's Avatar
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    Is anime getting worse or has it just stayed the same?

    I think it's still as good if not better than it used to be
    I've been watching anime since 1995 btw

  5. #5

    Is anime getting worse or has it just stayed the same?

    Anime is stagnating right now, afraid to innovate like it was famous for doing in it's early years by pandering to moe/ecchi crowds who don't care about quality writing. It's also more than possible that your tastes have "grown up" somewhat. Looking back on things I used to watch I realize that the vast majority of it was pretty bad in the grand scheme of things, I was just easier to entertain then.

  6. #6
    Xx_OneLove_Xx's Avatar
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    Is anime getting worse or has it just stayed the same?

    There are a lot of ways to approach this question. First, let's start with the past. A lot of horrible anime was producted in the 80's and 90's, and I mean A LOT. I have some of it on VHS, from when you swapped fansub tapes virtually blind, and from bargain bin sales. The plots were bad, the animation was bad, and the characterizations were downright horrible. However, no one remembers this stuff. No one watches it now because it's no longer produced or distributed. This means that when comparisons are made, people compare the GOOD stuff from the past with the TOTAL catalog of anime produced currently. This is still relatively true for anime produced in the early 2000's, as well.

    Personally, I think most anime is mediocre at best, with a good portion of it being just plain worthless. I don't see how this fact is any different now than it was several years ago. Perhaps it's because there is more anime being produced that the bad anime seems like a total flood, but I think the ratio is still somewhat the same. In any given year, there is only a select few titles that deserve respect, with several more that can pass as reasonable entertainment.

    I've seen some good stuff recently, that I think stands up well against earlier works. Skip Beat, Baccano and Durarara, Arakawa Under the Bridge, Denpa teki na Kanojo, Spice & Wolf, Moyashimon, Summer Wars and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Welcome to the NHK, Gurren Lagann, Kimi ni Todoke, and Kara no Kyoukai are all anime that I've enjoyed watching. A few of those I would hold up with just about anything. No, you're not going to get something as revolutionary as Serial Experiments Lain, or as powerful as Grave of the Fireflies every year, but that's to be expected.

    Anime has always suffered from the practice of running formulas into the ground. In each sub-genre of anime, there will be a few definitive titles that precede a tidal wave of imitations. Harems, Cat-girls, harems, Magical girls, robot/doll girls, giant robots, harems, moe, loli, they've all come, gone, and come back again. Unique is hard to come by, but that's always been the case.

    By the way, I thought B Gata H Kei was quite clever. I liked the role reversal, and saw it as a satirical take on the normal romantic comedy. Even more interesting was its use of reverse psychology to impart a rather positive message about sex being more special when not undertaken casually.

  7. #7
    eugendes's Avatar
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    Is anime getting worse or has it just stayed the same?

    I agree that it may just be your taste maturing. A LOT of anime is either somewhat childish, or at least, not that mature, and as your tastes mature, you lose interest in a lot of stuff that you may have even loved when younger. Hell, if Bleach came out 10 years ago, I would have been all over that, but it didn't. DBZ was around, and I fell in love with that instead. As your taste matures, you may not have as many great anime choices, but you'll be able to appreciate the really well-made ones even more. At least, that's what I think.

  8. #8
    John's Avatar
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    Is anime getting worse or has it just stayed the same?

    I wouldn't say that's the main reason as to why most anime are average and another ton are crap.

    Let me ask you this. Does originality = good?

  9. #9
    CaliforniaGrl's Avatar
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    Is anime getting worse or has it just stayed the same?

    Maybe I really am outgrowing it (which makes me kinda sad). But I dont wanna accept that right now. Could it be a factor that the anime world might be suffering from the global recession and thus leading to them sticking to the "what they think is popular" formulas? Just an idea.

    What still puzzles me is how grown men/women who write the manga/anime are comfortable drawing little high school girls with massive boobs/in their underwear etc. That still seems just a touch too paedophilic for my liking.

  10. #10
    music ♥'s Avatar
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    Is anime getting worse or has it just stayed the same?

    Personally I think anime is just as good if not better than it was when I first got into it in the beginning of 2000 (I was 10, for those curious. Unless you could Sailor Moon, then I was 5).

    Regardless, I think there are certain aspects of getting older that may alter your taste in anime which may make the perception of quality go down.

    Think about it this way, when you were younger I'm sure there were games you played, stories you read, and shows that you watch that you absolutely adored. As you got older your taste in those things was altered by different events and influences along the way and now you like thinks that are similar but a bit more grown up and not as "Childish" as when you were little.

    Sorry, I feel like all that is supper choppy writing.



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