I'm a junior in high school and I'm approaching that dreaded time when I have to start searching for colleges. I'm absolutely fascinated by criminalistics and forensics. This sounds kind of creepy I know, but I really enjoy the morbid and macabre. Dead things and blood and all the lovely stuff. Gore doesn't bother me at all, though the smell seems to take a little getting used to. But just generally I love the whole scientific approach and problem solving. Forensics seems to lend itself to these tendencies. Chemical analysis and stuff seems interesting too. Criminal psychology holds some potential but I'm a little afraid to major in any form of psychology (mom's a psychologist...nuff said). I'm an A student, 4.6 GPA and whatnot, I'm a relatively good swimmer (made CIF since freshman year) so I've got the requirements down. AP, IB, Honors classes, all that nasty stuff.

Basically what it comes down to is that I know what interests me, but have no idea what sorts of majors/careers these interests are conducive to. I'm trying to narrow down my college choices, but information on these topics is rather limited, and the few colleges I have managed to find with such programs are giant, super competitive, and on East Coast or in the Midwest. Growing up in southern California I'm rather spoiled. Any information on colleges anyone knows of with these programs, as well as majors and careers in these areas would be very much appreciated =P