My husband went out with friends the other night, and yes he was drinking, though not to the point of being debilitating like so many soldiers in his unit get. Everyone was having a good time, he and his friend were chatting with some locals (we're stationed in Germany currently), when a female tried to solicit sex from him. He told her not and attempted to leave the situation then. She then brought over her two friends, the two locals my husband had been making good conversation with all night, who started badgering him about the issue. He told them they had no morals and again tried to walk away from the situation. That's when one of the men took a swing at him, and my husband defended himself. The second man jumped in on the fight and my husband did enough to make them stop trying, then he and his friend left to go back to base. These men followed them for a few blocks yelling insults but stopped shortly, and before my husband got to base the German Polezei picked the two of them up. They would not explain to him why he was picked up, and took him straight to the MPs on post. He again was not told why he was there until a representative from his company showed up.
My husband is very worried about facing UCMJ action for this issue, especially now that the Army is over-strength and his Battalion has been kicking soldiers out left and right. The Polezei have yet to submit their report, 3 days later. The MPs might file for disrespect because my husband refused to tell them anything until he knew why he was there. Everyone is looking at this as just another drunk soldier starting a fight, which is not the case at all.
My husband is a good soldier, very much respected by his platoon, in fact most of the company. He is a SPC in a team leader slot, and his soldiers have already voiced their displeasure at the possibility of losing him.
We just want to know, if they do try to hang him out to dry on this issue, what avenues we have. This Battalion has had it's share of adultery cases lately and to prosecute a soldier who defended himself against men who were trying to get him to pay a girl for sex seems extremely hypocritical to me. If there is any advise on the subject I would appreciate it greatly.
I understand why people would say all I have is my husband's word. I have my reasons for having faith in him, and if you you have to view this as hypothetical in order to believe what he said then please do so. The question here is not concerning if I should believe him or not.
I have also been in Germany myself a while, I was stationed here almost two years before I met him and used to go out to the bars myself. There's a big difference between the German's I have done business with and the younger kids I've met out. If you deal with something illegal, German or American, you're usually not stupid enough to walk up to people and immediately try to peddle it.
His 1SG backs him and so does his PSG, but his Battalion has a very uneven way of dealing with soldiers. A friend of ours underwent a very unfair disagreement a few months back and even with this same support was demoted.
Mostly I'm asking if it is wise for him to seek legal council or if he has no leg to stand on.