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  1. #1
    keezymama's Avatar
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    Pros and Cons of Usenet

    Quote Originally Posted by tesco View Post
    Your math sucks.
    He means 25% of ISP+Newsgroup:

  2. #2
    Paul Mikulskis's Avatar
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    Pros and Cons of Usenet

    Quote Originally Posted by hugoblank View Post

    I agree with you about the community thing but ironically I've always felt that, say on newzbin i get alot of comments about posts whereas with, say isohunt it seems that they are rare. EDIT: You might be right, one of the "slumdog tor. has 180+ comments. That is alot.

    The thing that really makes torrents look goofy is that there is no nfo (or the like). I just looked up "slumdog millionaire" on a torrent site. They're almost all DVD rips, but some are 650MB, 750MB,1.1GB, 1.3GB so whats the difference? Are there languages ripped, extras ripped, are they NTSC, etc. I guess we'll never know because some dork put a dvd, thru one of the DVDtoSomething? apps that tell you to insert the dvd then hit "start". You're done! And said dork thinks that PAL means your buddy.

    C'mon you know that's lame and its true.


    I mostly use torrents for Games and Apps, so I can't really comment on movies. I can see where you are coming from though. For a game or app I will always see enough comments to make me feel comfortable that it's working.

  3. #3
    Airmiles's Avatar
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    Pros and Cons of Usenet

    Agreed. I downloaded any oversized "Gran Torino DVD Rip" and it turned out to be a DVDSCR :lol:.

    No nfo just english subs.

    I'm sorry p2pers but you're fucking hopeless.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth_Duane View Post
    I mostly use torrents for Games and Apps, so I can't really comment on movies. I can see where you are coming from though. For a game or app I will always see enough comments to make me feel comfortable that it's working.
    Don't get me started with p2p crackers/downloaders.

    You look through the comments and they complain that a scene rls from a quality bot like loder (On TPB) is a 'virus'.

    They can't even read nfo's on how to apply cracks and bitch about scene rars.

  4. #4

    Pros and Cons of Usenet

    Recently some ppl are posting files that obviously are virus ou garbage.
    But that happens in torrents too .
    Most of the times you just have to check the file size, or see who is the poster, or check if "that" release even exists.
    Or you can still come here and download NZBs

  5. #5
    Boronia's Avatar
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    Pros and Cons of Usenet

    Was just thinking about all the pros and cons of Usenet and this is what I came up with:


    • Uncapped Speeds.
    • Decent Pre Times.
    • SSL (Higher Anonymity then Private Trackers).
    • Unlimited Downloads.
    • Broad Range of Discussions.


    • Retention (but we shouldn't worry about that soon with the Astraweb vs Giganews retention wars :P).
    • Hard to get around at first.
    • Mostly only Scene/Higher class P2P releases.
    • No ratio to brag about.
    • You have to pay.

    Did I miss anything? Post your Pros/Cons if you wish.

  6. #6
    BEESEXY's Avatar
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    Pros and Cons of Usenet

    Well that's a public tracker for you ;p.

  7. #7
    Seth's Avatar
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    Pros and Cons of Usenet

    Quote Originally Posted by CarpeNoctem View Post
    why thanks for the insight.. iv got plenty of experience here also

    sure thing matey :blink:

    I can get exactly the same stuff from p2p and trusted sources....so it's maybe you who's not looking hard enuff
    i dont need to look hard, usenet is easy to find everything im looking for .. and i didnt say "YOU" couldnt find what "YOU" were looking for..

    Don't believe me
    its not a matter of me believing you, its a matter of me not agreeing with that your saying.

    use Google Maybe you should use something else besides Ares?
    i worked for google contracting for a while so im pretty sure i can use it just fine
    Well then why be such a smartass about it then? I've been using emule for as long as it's been around, and millions and millions obviously think it's good to :lol:

    I use usenet for all the new hot files, that way I don't have to worry about my ISP contacting me, but for almost everything else is P2P.

    Oh, ok, think about this for a second, on eMule, files are shared for as long as the file keeps hoping from user to user, as with Usenet, it's only available for 365 days, unless someone reposts...for longevity and rare/old movies P2P is SO much better, but for quick downloads on newer stuff, Usenet is the way to go. But if you want quality rips (AFR) and the like , eMule is the way to go.

  8. #8
    captain_charisma1's Avatar
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    Pros and Cons of Usenet

    So much for a "friendly" discussion!

    I hope you don't think I'm a smartass just because I don't agree with you.

    To me this could be considered a CON not a PRO. C'mon now, your making it too easy for me to comment on this point. That's not fair. I won't even go there. Sorry, I could never use that argument

    I use usenet for all the new hot files, that way I don't have to worry about my ISP contacting me, but for almost everything else is P2P.
    I don't understand why your ISP would contact you. Can you d/l as much as you want from usenet? If you can't that might explain your affection for P2P.

    for longevity and rare/old movies P2P is SO much better
    Couldn't disagree with you more. Almost all my usenet activity is with movies. Maybe what you consider rare/old movies is different from me. For me DVD's from the Criterion Collection might be considered classic/old movies. I'm d/l a 1964 Japanese classic film (Criterion)that I requested just 2 days ago from a newsgroup that just posts CC movies. Now to me thats service!

    But if you want quality rips (AFR) and the like , eMule is the way to go.
    To me a "quality rip" is an oxymoron but then again I don't know what you mean by AFR. Especially today there's no reason for me to not go for a full DVD5/9 only.

    To me, the fact that you said you're worried about being contacted by your ISP when you're using usenet explains everything.


  9. #9
    chelseafcfreak's Avatar
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    Pros and Cons of Usenet

    Quote Originally Posted by hugoblank View Post
    Yeah for the most part you have to pay. But for me you pay for freedom.
    Every thing you mentioned is right on; I've said this before and will repeat it now, torrents are for 'little kiddies'. Why, you ask?

    Because instead of paying a little tiny bit (for me, usenet server costs are around 1/4 above what I pay for internet service to begin with), and the amount of time I would have to spend chasing after stuff on the torrents would quickly get 'real old', and I do mean, REAL OLD. On usenet, 90+% of the time, I know exactly what I'm spending time (and money) to get. Back when I 'tried out' P2P, about 80+% of my time and effort was wasted in chasing after things that (usually) really didn't exist.

    Or maybe they did, but the 'system' wouldn't deliver what it promised.

    Now, I know that folks in Europe (especially) don't realize it, but where I live, most counties (sub-part of states) are LARGER than most European countries (France excluded, but Texas is about as big), and fast internet access is few and far between, and expensive when it is available.

    That's why usenet costs are a small percentage of the total internet ISP access costs. For me, lets se, Astraweb is 25% of what my internet line costs are (to do the math for you, I pay $35US for 3Mb/s and astra is $11, so... there's the math).

    VERY cheap as part of the total costs. I could go cable-modem, but P2P is banned on that system, so so much for 'faster'. Plus the costs are 2-3 times higher for around 5 times faster.

    So you're right, it comes down to aggravation. I won't deal with it, haven't for about 10 years. Usenet been 'berry berry good to me!'.

  10. #10
    boatwoman's Avatar
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    Pros and Cons of Usenet

    Quote Originally Posted by iLOVENZB View Post
    Agreed. I downloaded any oversized "Gran Torino DVD Rip" and it turned out to be a DVDSCR :lol:.

    No nfo just english subs.

    I'm sorry p2pers but you're fucking hopeless.

    Don't get me started with p2p crackers/downloaders.

    You look through the comments and they complain that a scene rls from a quality bot like loder (On TPB) is a 'virus'.

    They can't even read nfo's on how to apply cracks and bitch about scene rars.
    P2P is still good, you just have to know were to look...I have two great ed2k sites and one or two torrent sites that have just as much as Newsgroups do...NGs are faster for me, but ed2k has the old/collector/and 0day/movies/games/music that everything has...

    That's what you get for downloading something without no NFO or info, bandwidth waster :lol:



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