I am currently researching the guidelines on releasing a weather balloon for ceremonial purposes (i.e. no instrumentation/payload). As of yet, I have not been able to get a clear answer as to the FAA regulations. I know balloons are released in ceremonies all over the world, and I endeavor to do this in a safe manner.

Numerous sources say that FAA clearance is required only if the payload is more than 4lbs. Do you know if this is true? And if FAA is required to be notified, no matter if there is payload or not, what information will they require if there is no payload or instrumentation.

I've been searching online resources and have sent many email queries... to no avail. I appreciate any information and insights regarding this matter.

Many thanks!
PS I've read the FAA regulations (101) and it is unclear whether or not a balloon with less than 4 lbs payload is required to get clearance.