...free wheel? HELP!? I really want a bike, and I am looking at a particular one on Walmart.com (this is my first bike, and I need something that doesn't have a crazy price tag.) Please check out the link below and tell me these things:

1. Can I coast without having to constantly pedal?
2. Does the bike go backwards if I pedal backwards or can I freely pedal backwards like on a mountain bike?
3. Can this particular bike be used on trails...not like crazy rocks and ditches...but midly bumpy dirt?
4. I am wanting a bike for recreational road riding, trail riding, and occasional commuting to school (short distance). If this bike is not a good choice for my needs, please tell me a general type of bike to look into that will (ex. mountain, hybrid, road....)
5. Tell me anything (expert opinions, value, whatever) about this bike?!

Please speak in the most simplistic lingo possible...I know virtually nothing about bikes!

A thorough/expert answer would be immensly helpful and appreciated!!!! Thank YOU!
