alien propaganda? I have watched the Food network for years now and something odd struck me.

Every time they go "Behind the scenes" (on various shows) to a food processing plant, or factory, or meat packing plant, to see how the food is made, the camera man deliberately avoids filming ANY White (and even Black) workers and only films the Hispanic looking ones!

When I realized this I paid more attention to this racist agenda whenever I watched it.
For at least seven years on many shows on this network the camera man will actually pan AWAY from a large group of White workers and film ONLY the one HISPANIC worker in the group!

Their goal seems to be to reinforce the racist, and FALSE stereotype that ONLY illegal Hispanics will work in such Factories!

Having worked for 20 years in Food processing factories I can tell you that White people take the MAJORITY of these jobs!

And all the B.S. claims that only illegals will do these jobs is JUST THAT! BULL$HIT!!