...the Very cruel way the? http://www.jpost.com/NationalNews/Article.aspx?id=197768

Israeli Police treat Jewish families living in the West Bank (which is actually the Yehuda & Shomron region of Israel)
when they destroy Jewish homes & beat up the Jewish families (even the children) living in these houses
(If this doesn't seem cruel imagine what the media would say about Police Brutality if Israeli police did this to Palestinian homes in the West Bank of Israel)

Also for the Cruelty (extreme Police Brutality) these police did to Jews all over Israel (months before the Gush Katif Disengagement) who protested against the August 2005 Disengagement
Most people who lived in Israel before the Disengagement remember this Police Brutality Very Well.

Also for the Extreme Police Brutality in Amona 2/2/06 When Hundreds of Jews (most of them between the ages of 12-18) were seriously injured as Israeli police forces (Police Brutality) violently stormed the hilltop community of Amona, bashed protesters and MKs, for the purpose of destroying nine Jewish Homes (without $$$$ compensating the Jewish ownersof their homes).
