okay first off, Im a 17 year old male in a stupid hick town and a freshman in college. i have pretty close friends and a girlfriend who i deeply love and care about. but for the past year or so i have been feeling like nothing matters anymore. I am failing my history class that i am paying for because i dont care about doing the work. i have an idea about what i want to do when im older but dont care enough to try to acheive it. i just feel sad most of the time. when people ask me questions, my usual answer is i dont care. and i dont.about anything other than my family. i want to care but it just feels pointless. i feel honestly like the only thing that is even keeping me going at this mediocre rate is my girlfriend. and if she left me i would have no reason to live anymore. and not only do i not care about anything anymore, but i get spells almost every day where i feel like im in a dream. like none of this is really here. and it scares me.but i am EXTREMELY paranoid about everything also. like i know something bad is going to happen every day. i have MVP heart disease and diabetes but i hurt every day in my chest to where i think im having a heart attack but the only diognosis drs can come up with is Mitral Valve prolapse. I know all of this is just random facts but i think maybe you could put them together and halp me figure out what is wrong. I hate this so much. i feel depressed, and its because of all of this that is happending. what do i do?