This guy who I had 2 dates with 8 months ago recently came back wanting to hangout. We're both in our 20's. It took me a few months to finally agree. But we went out and had a really nice time, he was a complete gentlemen, paid, gave me his gloves cause it was below 20 degrees out, asked serious questions about me, let me pick what we were going to do. But we hadn't seen each other in months and we're talking about my birthday which was a few days ago and he asked if I had a party so I told him yes w/a bunch of friends & drank. His first question to that was "Did you get laid?" I said I wasn't going to answer that and he continued to sort of tease me about it and he said my not answering means I did in fact get laid. I finally said a lady never tells and he dropped it. Why would he ask me that?

The rest of the night went well. We spent 5 hours together in the cold, the night ended respectfully we were at Bryant park in NYC he hugged me really tight and made an mmmm sound said we should do this again sometime if you want. Said "goodnight sweetie" and winked with a smile on his face... Does he like me?