He is in absolutely no mental state to join. He is a loving musician, artist. Not a violent kind. He's only joining so he can get an education because he's financially unstable, but I don't think it's the right way. He's also struggling with drugs, and he know's it'll force him to sober up. Will this poem get him to wake up?

if i had words you'd hear, i'd open my mouth
but those won't do, nothing i say will do
words have lost their meaning from me to you,
move in a way i can no longer follow
i've lost you, lost my way falling, uprooting
my family tree is losing all it's leaves
piled into bundles of misery
shrivel and break we all break away and break down,
i just can't stop breaking down
i'm drifting, but not to sleep
if we all went back to another time
i would love you just the same
i never had a choice what you gave me
i can never give back, and if my tears could
heal the tracks on your arms i'd give my entire soul
i was once a brick wall, the stability you'd drink in
let in under your skin and listen as though i'd never
speak words again
i no longer have you, i no longer know you
i long to go back to front porches
before the torches of our lives blow out
i don't blame you, no i could never blame you
but i miss you when you're around, and the walls
of the sounds of your thoughts
caved in and the world came crumbling down
i've sewn a map of my mind into the backs of my eyes
and when i close them tight i can remember you once again
swinging sorrows and singing sparrows
bring an old friend
i've sewn you in for good locked up, metal chained guru
wherever you go you'll never really leave
even if you leave me be leave me here, torn between worlds
of swarming grey matter and a heavy heart full of forgiveness
i froze in my tracks and you
bought a one way far away to a foreign land
where you can be a reckoner
you are a reckoner
the gentlest of your kind, there's no rewind
button on your life
but there is still time
you've floated off from my sight
i scream when i sleep at night, and
i'm never happier than when i am sleeping
you moved past me like soldiers on a war field
a white field full of roses in december
bruised, bloody and battered i'm left blind
left behind
i can't see where you've gone, and in a sea of what went wrong
i wasn't there for you
my lungs are heavy and deep but i cannot breathe deeply
if you leave here, promise you'll walk close beside me
we are all just capsules of energy
but i'm in a bad dream
a dream of everything i never wanted
i want to wake up
please wake me up
Dylan, wake up