I have ATT. I'm on a family plan and was able to upgrade my phone with Best Buy to the Samsung Solstice without adding a texting or data plan at all. On ATT's website and on Best Buy's website, for almost all of the quick messaging phones, like the one I got, it says you need a $15 or $20 messaging plan. I was just wondering how I was able to get around that as I understand it is different for family plans.
EDIT: I've had it for half a year now. They haven't added anything and I don't think they will. I didn't get the phone from them.
@Christie I'm not asking whether I can or cannot, I'm telling you that I DID. As far as the price of the phone goes, I got it free from BEST BUY not ATT. I'm assuming they get a kick back because I renewed my contract but other than that they didn't get a cent from me as the phone was free. Does anyone really know what's going on here?