I've been Googling "hot flashes" and all I've been getting is info on menopause or pregnancy. I'm only 18 so I know it's definitely not menopause and I know for sure I'm not pregnant. Here's what I'm experiencing:
- Random waves of hot sweatiness followed by chills. I'm constantly taking off and putting on sweaters to balance it out. If I could check my temperature then I would, so I don't know if it's fever.
- Trouble getting comfortable in bed. Feels like no position is good enough and my neck in particular gets stiff.
- Mornings are painfully hot. I find myself stripping down in order to cram a few more hours of sleep in the mornings.
- I feel generally weird. Like, you know when you just wake up from a nap and you get that odd feeling? It's like that, only I'm not really tired.