Okay so let me clear some things up before I go into this..House was made in 1928. and that's about it..So when we bought the house I went with my dad and uncle to see the deal through. I remember it was empty and the realtor showed us around. It was ok and the neighborhood was alright. So we bought it and moved in, took about a week. At the time I was 9 (2003). Anyways Before the people finished moving, from the house we bought l forgot to mention that we did in fact meet them and they told u about the area and stuff. Anyways about a year into the move,(2004) one day a police sheriff with the hat and all came and was looking for somebody and came in our basement..I didnt an still don't know who..then after that we replaced the basement carpet with a new one. This Is the good part, when the guys came and took of the old one, there was a disgusting smell, also the discovery of a manhole (or whatever those places where dirty water goes into are called) under that carpet. The guys were kind of scared.. At the time I didn't know that was weird, but now I see that maybe that had to do with like a murder or sumthing (sheriff coming here, basement. I don't know maybe a connection). the next year like in 2005-2007 we heard footsteps in the top floor when nobody was there..it creeped the crap our of us! Then in 2009 This light would always turn on and nobody had turned it on..Now it's 2010 and my brother Swears his stuffed animals move! His room used to be part of the attic to store things. We remodled it and fixed it up. He had and sort of still does an obsession for stuffed animals, he has many on his bed and room. Then this past Sunday he said he woke up an this clown bear he has wad above his head looking at him! He also says at night he thinks they move, and today we realized this bear we left across the bed was at the foot of the bed:/ nobody but us was home. Surprisingly this bear was in the direction of a bag full of stuffed animals. Is my house haunted???