i just want to know if maybe this cute guy in my class is interested so i could not feel so shy and then i'll have the courage to show him i like him too. Some of the things he does:

-well first, he's a senior and i'm a sophomore. In class we do group work sometimes and he asked the whole group(me,2 other guys and of course him) what grade we were in. We started talking.

-i use the "clock" trick in class and i look at the clock then at him and he looks at me

-when we are in class,working in our group,and i ask a question,he looks right into my eyes and usually tries to look up the answer instead of saying i don't know.

-today when i walked in class headed to sit with our group and i tried to find a seat,he looked at me and said "oh here you can sit here" in a really nice voice and he got up out of the seat and he got a "sucky" desk and sat right across from me. (of course i said thanks)

-while he was sitting across from me,i felt his foot touch mine under the desks and he didn't move it away. (this happened at least 5 times or more in the past 2 days)

-my sister said he is usually shy and quiet (i am too)

-he never hangs out with girls at school (so he's not a big flirt)

-when it was time to put the desks back to their normal spots, he said "aww" like he didn't want to.

-seems like he tries to start conversation

-when i talk he seems to really listen to what i'm saying

-when i smile he smiles or laughs if i laugh at something

-when we got done with our group presentation,i looked over at him and i realized he looked over at me and we both smiled

-when we are in our group he sometimes stretches and his chest puffs out, i don't know if this is because he just feels the need to stretch a lot or maybe to get my attention....idk!

-about everyday at the end of class, he comes from his seat and stands close behind me waiting for the bell to ring to leave to the next class. Yesterday he stood so close it felt like his chest was touching against my back haha everyone was just trying to get out instead of being patient..

that's pretty much all i can think of what he does in class haha help me please!