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  1. #1
    Salty's Avatar

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    Will Someone Pls. Read My Hormone Results-Female Low on Testosterone

    Well, kittwitty, that's one thing we have to hand it to ourselves for--we do educate ourselves as much as we can and thank goodness we do.


  2. #2
    Salty's Avatar

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    Will Someone Pls. Read My Hormone Results-Female Low on Testosterone

    Hi, everyone. Could I please get opinions on these results? My testosterone is low.

    My free and total is 17, scale 14-76

    Free direct is

  3. #3
    Salty's Avatar

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    Will Someone Pls. Read My Hormone Results-Female Low on Testosterone

    30kieali, I have also been on WB (all of them) and all made me very anxious and jittery just like kittywitty. I couldn't stay on it. I have anxiety to begin with.

    I too hope as kw does that the bioidentical T cream is the way to go. I just started it after having hormone testing and my testosterone was very low.

    I'd like to know the answers to kw's questions, too.

    My gyn didn't mention the injections or pills, but then again, I asked him for the cream so we didn't talk about any other options.

    I have had low mood, been sluggish, tired with no sense of well-being, etc. for years.

    Just recently after a fibroid operation did I have my hormones tested.

    I'm hoping the T cream will help my symptoms. I'm sorry it didn't help you. Are you completely off all testosterone now?

    Were you adding the T only for sex drive? Don't you have other symptoms related to low T?

    Thank you.


  4. #4
    Audrey-B's Avatar

    Will Someone Pls. Read My Hormone Results-Female Low on Testosterone

    Yes, herbs can do wonderful things naturally for our hormones. This is why i'm glad i'm seeing a naturopath who makes up a herbal mix specifically for my issues. I'm positive if i'd gone to a gyno they would have had me do surgery to remove the fibroid and/or suggested a partial/full hysterectomy for my period situation or end up on birth control until menopause, which would have only added to my symptoms. I think they shouldn't give out BC pills so easily without doing a full hormonal check up as a lot of people are having issues with hormones and birth control pills have big potential to make things worse. Nobody would have given a toss about my hormones. I'm thankful my thyroid doctor is helpful too in all things hormonal.

  5. #5
    Audrey-B's Avatar

    Will Someone Pls. Read My Hormone Results-Female Low on Testosterone

    Hi Ladies, sorry to hear you have all gone through some tough years with the hormone issues. It's sad when doctors can only offer various antidepressants as a long term solution. I know nobody will know the exact reason why it all began in the first place, but you would think they would be more helpful in the healing process. I dont think all doctors, gyno's etc are capable or have the knowledge when it comes to hormones. I think it takes a special doctor with dedication to work through the lengthy process.

    I often wonder how much is from general hormones, how much from birth control, how much from borderline thyroid issues, despite doctors saying you are ok and within lab 'range'.

    I can't really help much more but sympathise with what you are all going through as my problems are entirely different, excess estrogen and elevated testosterone along with my thyroid problems. The best and only advice i can give is that if you feel you aren't getting the care you need from your doctor then look for a new doctor, even if you have to travel much further. I also can't thank enough the naturopath which has been helping me and has helped certain hormonal areas and is working on others.

    Hoping everyone finRAB help and relief from their symptoms

  6. #6
    Salty's Avatar

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    Will Someone Pls. Read My Hormone Results-Female Low on Testosterone

    Audrey-B and kittywitty--thanks to both of you--you have been so great! :angel:

    I feel strange, but don't know if it's the cream, anxiety or the fact that I'm cutting my calories down because I don't want weight gain due to the T cream...feel a little nauseous and light-headed...haven't noticed any change in my low mood...I know my gyn. said it could take 3 weeks or so to notice anything.

    I'm also having a hard time sleeping again...wake up after 2-3 hours and can't fall back to sleep and then when I do finally get back to sleep, I've slept too late into the morning. It may be because of all the medicines from my operation, but it's wearing me out.

    The T cream was changed to a pea-size amount (I liked the idea of the gram tubes (don't know what happened to that).

    I'm not having an easy time scooping out a pea-size amount...I picture a pea in my head, but it's going to be different every time--just not as easy to judge that as i thought.

    Being scared about side effects isn't helping me any (especially the male-pattern baldness and gaining weight).

    I think I'm going to post on the boarRAB to see what other people are experiencing or have experienced with the bioidentical T cream.

    Also, may sound like a stupid question, but I sleep with a pillow between my legs for my back and I'm guessing the cream gets on the pillow case some--should I change pillow cases every night ...I know i'm worrying already.

    Also, if I don't shower until that night, do I wash the area where the cream is or just leave it alone? Never thought about asking my gyn these questions and honestly have had enough of calling there until I see him in a month.

    Hugs to you both,

  7. #7
    Salty's Avatar

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    Will Someone Pls. Read My Hormone Results-Female Low on Testosterone

    Back again...decided to take the medicine my dr. gave me a long time ago...the one i've been putting off because i was so scared it would have a bad effect with the T cream...also just scared of the side effects--bad acne comes with it...tried it before so i know...am taking the minocycline with it for the acne...was afraid of that too, but nothing could be as bad as the hell i've been through these past weeks...know there's not much else to try...my hormones are supposedly okay...except for the T...been putting this off for soooo long...so scared...well, took my first dose just now and yes, i'm still a little scared when i really think about it, but right now, i don't see an alternative and as i keep saying i can't go through this hell again.

    maybe this will help...i'm hoping...so tired of wondering what to take with what...just took it all at the same time tonight (the meRAB and supplements), been through so much...will have to figure it out when i'm feeling better...no one has responded to my iron thread...hope someone does.

    luv ya all, hope everyone's okay--thank goodness for these boarRAB...don't know what i'd do if i couldn't write it all out...it's saved what little sanity i feel like i have left right now...thank you so much for letting me vent,


  8. #8
    Audrey-B's Avatar

    Will Someone Pls. Read My Hormone Results-Female Low on Testosterone

    Hi Salty - good to see you are getting some more help

    Regarding compounding pharmacies, i've heard you can visit the pharmacy and ask them if they could recommend a doctor who senRAB scripts to them to have med's made up. This cuts out some of the leg work in finding a doctor who uses a compounding pharmacy to tailor make your medication.

    Kittywitty - i had saliva testing for my hormone levels and adrenal funtion and that was the first time i got actual answers about what was going on with my hormones. With any previous hormone blood testing i kept being told all was 'fine'.

    Saliva testing has an advantage over blood testing as the saliva reflects the free, bio-available hormone levels at a cellular level, whereas blood and other tests don't do it at this level. With the saliva testing, baseline hormone levels can be assessed and makes it easier to adjust/monitor bio identical hormone replacement therapy.

    Some doctors simply do not believe in saliva testing, but i can only go by my own personal experience and i know which testing worked and didn't work for me.

    I have read where people have done saliva testing via a pharmacy where you pay for the kit and send it off for analysis.

    Hormones are such a complex thing to fix, but if you can fix them before you hit menopause, i've heard it can make going through menopause more of a breeze compared to the difficult time some women experience.

  9. #9
    kittywitty's Avatar

    Will Someone Pls. Read My Hormone Results-Female Low on Testosterone

    Well, I had bloodwork ran back in Noveraber and my progesterone and testosterone were both extremely low. However, I have read that the saliva testing is more accurate and I'm wondering how different my results would be with it. For instance, with the bloodwork, my thyroid was normal, right in the middle of the range. Yet I seem to have at least half of the symptoms of hypothyroid. Very puzzling.

  10. #10
    kittywitty's Avatar

    Will Someone Pls. Read My Hormone Results-Female Low on Testosterone

    Hi, Audrey, thank you so much for your kind and well thought out post. While I sympathize with everyone's troubles on here, it's really comforting to know that I'm not the only one going through these types of problems. Even though yours seems to be the opposite of mine, it's still a hormone irabalance nonetheless. Who knows where all these hormone problems come from. A lot of it is related to hormonal birth control I think. In additon, too, though, there's so many things that we're subjected to every day in this fast-living, high-paced, over-stressed world we live in. Environmental estrogens are everywhere now. They're in everything from cleaning products to bug spray. Then there's the toxins and preservatives in all the processed convenience food we eat. The list goes on and on. Things were a whole lot simpler back in the day before all this crap that we see now. Anyway, hope you're having a great day. ;-)



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