I love the mortal Intruments series, they're my favorite books.
But there was one question that I can not find the answer too. So all throughout the 3 books Jace tells Alec that they're more than friends, they're closer than brothers, they're brother warriors I suppose. My question is, what word does Jace use to describe they're friendship? The word starts with a "P" and I think its Parabachi? All I know is that its Latin, and no matter how much I skim through the books I can't find the word,...and when I try to look it up on google I get nothing because I probably spelled it wrong. Do you guys know the word and its meaning? I'm fairly sure it means "warriors who would die for eachother and are closer than brothers. " But i'm not sure and I would like to know the word and it's meaning. I think Luke also uses it to describe his relationship with Valentine if thats any help. (I can never find the part in the book or books where Luke says that) So, please let me know if you find it or know it!!! Thank you!