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  1. #1
    Lynne720's Avatar

    update on my boyfriend's condition

    Its been about 6 months since my bf had his hardware removed (the cages are still there) and he is feeling absolutely horrible. The pain has gotten so bad in his back that the meRAB barely work and he is so weak.

    He went to a 2nd neurologist (the 1st one was a joke) and had a very thorough EMG and the doctor did a lot of testing. He definitely has a polyneuropathy but he can't take the meRAB for nerve pain because they hurt his eyes. He also found that my bf has some abnormal proteins present in his blood called cryoglobulins. His pm doctor said that this could be a totally other avenue to approach his pain since these cryoglobulin proteins cause pain, fatigue and other symptoms and this is as a result of some serious health issue so now he is going to see a rheumatologist tomorrow. Hopefully he will be able to find out why these proteins are present and treat it and get my bf back on track but I have a feeling this is just one part of the puzzle.

    The surgeons can't help him anymore. They don't see any reason to operate so hopefully he will get help with the rheumy. Wish us luck since we've had so much bad luck lately that we are overdue for some happiness.

    Hope you are all feeling good.

  2. #2
    BlueAtlas's Avatar

    update on my boyfriend's condition

    Hi Lynne,
    I think you're probably right, that this is just a piece of the puzzle, but every piece they can figure out will be a help. I'm glad you're with him to help and encourage him. I hope he appreciates you as you deserve! It means a lot to know that your loved one isn't going to bail on you when things get tough! I'm so blessed to have a husband who I know will never leave me just because I can't do the things I used to do. I feel like a burden sometimes, but he's quick to argue with me on that point! That's one argument I'm glad for!

    Please let us know what you find out.

    Take care,

  3. #3
    ms_west's Avatar

    update on my boyfriend's condition


    My heart goes out to you and your boyfriend in regarRAB to the fact that the surgeons can't help him anymore. Supposedly, I am at the same point and just accepting this alone is very difficult. My prayers are with him and you.

    Did the neurologist test for these specific proteins or did these show up in routine blood tests?

    Please keep us posted and I pray that you are your boyfriend have a better year -- you both certainly deserve it.


  4. #4
    Lynne720's Avatar

    update on my boyfriend's condition

    Pepper, the neurologist specifically asked for these blood tests. They aren't routine tests. I really believe he is on to something. We just got back from the rheumatologist that he sent us to and she says my bf definitely has something and she said she would get to the bottom of this and find out whats wrong. She sent him for alot of tests and she took alot of blood. Hopefully we will know whats really wrong soon enough. He goes to see her again next week.


  5. #5
    lfoster21's Avatar

    update on my boyfriend's condition

    Oh Lynn, I am so very sorry for both your bf and yourself. At least it sounRAB like he has found the right Dr. to help dx. and treat him. I will be praying for both you and your bf and will keep watching for your posts. Once again, I am sorry for what you guys are going through.

    All my prayers to you all,

  6. #6
    BlueAtlas's Avatar

    update on my boyfriend's condition

    Lynne, that must have lifted both of your spirits! Finally, someone who wants to get to the root of the problem! I hope it happens quickly and that he gets some much needed relief! Please keep us posted.


  7. #7
    Moldova's Avatar

    update on my boyfriend's condition

    I feel so sorry for what you both are going through. I think i mentioned to you that i have rhemotoid arthrities and one of the symptoms is elevated C-protein. This great deal of pain all overy the body, hot joints, sometimes red and swollen.
    I had gold shots, had mild chimo-therapy treatments when it gets worse, had so many steroid treatments - unfortunatelly it's not curable, but they have some treatments in their arsenal to help with this type of pain.
    I am sorry he had his last surgery and no relieve. AS you know my hardware was removed 2 month ago during my second surgery and i am in a lot of pain too.
    I just wonder...

    Lynne, best of luck to both of you. I am glad you gave us an update on his issues, please do this. This is important to know how is he doing and what is his problem now.
    (((( ))))):angel:

  8. #8
    ms_west's Avatar

    update on my boyfriend's condition

    Lynne, Will you please keep us posted and let us know the results? Heck we will all be herding to our doctors office now asking them to run blood tests now.

    I pray that you find some answers now. It has been a long journey for you both.



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