Recently I got onto my Myspace page and did some 'snooping'... I wanted to make sure there was nothing that I would be ashamed of because I NEVER get on Myspace anymore. I rely on Facebook. And during my digging I noticed that a used to be good ex friend of mine was still on my 'friends- list' so I took full advantage! And I am VERY glad I did! Come to find out and I am so humiliated to say this, but she had an extremely inappropriate image of me within her photos! I was mortified! I could not believe it! I immediately contacted Myspace Abuse and asked them to take down the image due to the 'Terms of Agreement' and luckily they did within hours of my request! But I can only image how many people may have seen that image because I have not been on Myspace before then in I have seriously no idea! I am still a minor and I was only 15 when the photo was taking. The girl that posted the image is as well a minor. But I am so hurt and stomach in knots over this I feel like I NEED to take this to the police. I do not think that I am over reacting. Because this is ultimately my safety. That image contained things that I do not want just anyone to see. Only certain people should know what those areas of my body look like and she violated that. No matter how 'done' she was with our friendship, that was not okay. I need to know what to do next! And I am really scared! I don't know if she'd retaliate and do something else. Because I have to still go to high school and live in the same area as her! If someone could just give me some advise that would be so great because I am freaking out! I am only 17 and I am already having to worry about the world seeing my 'goodies'! Thats not right! I'm not one of these girls 'sexting' either. I value my pride and my body. God doesn't want me to throw away my values! Please some one help me! :/
I probably should have mentioned this the first time when I posted but I did not pose for the camera. I was coming out of the bathroom and trying to cover my face up with my hands and look away from the lens. I DID NOT want that image taking!