Hello, my dog went into heat about two and a half months ago. She is not pregnant by any means. Curiously, she is whining a lot at me and shes very talkative. She has been stealing my other dogs toys and nestling with them on my bed. Overall, she has been very cuddly, more so than normal. I know shes not displaying signs of a false pregnancy i.e no swollen teats or tummy.

Please no comments containing the statement "fix your dog" I'm curious about the behavior shes displaying and I want to know if anyone else's dog has shown the same behaviors.
No she is NOT in heat. She comes into heat once a year that is IT. As I just went through a heat cycle with her I'm aware of the bleeding aspect of the heat cycle. Please actually read the question before you write a response, otherwise you seem asinine.
Thanks for the thought out response Jessie. Yes I have discussed this with my vet and she said that it could be a false pregnancy but it could also be other things as well. I was just curious, thinking maybe since I have been baby sitting a puppy for the last month, that could somehow throw her into a false heat? I've read that it can happen. I was thinking she might be overly hormonal because of having a puppy around.
Dances with woofs...I am aware of the risks concerning allowing a female dog to go through multiple false pregnancies. My dog is contracted to have one littler, which she is NOT old enough for. So please dismount the self righteous horse your on and leave me be.
Dances with woofs...You are the one who went on the offensive, to begin with. Self righteous was your tone and I retaliated. Obviously, you were taken aback by it. Sadly the "horse" I was talking about was figurative, as in no way a reality, I was referring to your high handed manner. You just had to spout off the same regurgitated crap, only to finish with a lame response "so ahaha". Wow *claps* for being original....Oh that was what I would call sarcasm...not to be confused with figurative.