...my orthopedic. ? Pelvic ct scan results stated they were only evaluating my bones. No organs. Then in april 2010 I had a partial hystectomy and abdominalplasty. It was done because my uterus was plastered to my abdominal wall and bleeding. Also abdominalplasty was medically necessary as well. I only had one ovary and he left it in too avoid surgical menopause. He did say if the ovary had any problems he was going to take it. After surg I was a mess. From june to nov I had transvag u/s that showed my ovary and fallopian tube were enlarged and inflammed, and I was always in lots and lots of pain. It got worse and pain now was all over abdominal cavity. Went to pcp and he sent me for a ct scan pelvis and abdominal. Now that ct scan was compared to the one in 2009. It stated I had an enhanced lesion either on my ovary or cecum that remained unchanged. In feb 2011, I had emergency surg. It turns out the ovary lesion grew and my ovary and intestines were full of adhesions. It was a giant mess. They had to remove my ovary and some of my intestines. How could my OB not tell me abot the mass when he did my hysterectomy? I walked around for one year with horrible pain.