Nowdays , Colleges require students who want to apply kind of impossible requirement. A lot of students do not get admissions, which led them to harm the society either by using or selling drugs or become thieves. Admission officers have to make their requirement possible for all kind of students,to have to make some kind of exceptions for some students, and have to accept everyone applies and place them in the right major.
Admission officers have to make their requirement possible for all kind of students. There are a lot of students who did not do well in schools, but they have ambitious and want to get a degree. Admission officers should observe that not all the students equal, and there are reasons made students didn’t do well at schools; for example, family issues, sickness, and understanding disabilities.
Admission officers have to make some kind of exceptions for some students. There are a lot of international students who are seeking a degree, but they can’t get enrolled because schools require impossible English proficiency score. However, some of those students can speak, read, and write English but when they got into the test they suddenly can’t get the score, because those kinds of exams are not assessable to evaluate how much English the students know. That’s why admission officers should make exceptions for some students based on interviews they make it for students who applied.
Admission officers should accept everyone apply and place them in the right major regarding their transcript grades. Students who got good grades have the opportunity to choose what major they want, but students who had bad grades should study a foundation year or place them in low level majors. When admission officers start to accept students they are preventing them from being harmless in the society.
To sum up with, admission officers should know that not all the students equal and make the requirements possible for students. Admission officers have to make some exceptions for some students based on interviewing them. Admission officers should accept everyone apply to prevent students of being harmless in the society.