Okay I wrote this sonnet and I just wanted your opinions. I used the ABABCDCDEFEFGG rhyme scheme.

We're Done.. By me.

You always tell me it will be alright,
But I cannot suffer as just your friend
We have dragged this out. It must end tonight,
No more lies and no more hurt. You can send
Me on my way. It is too much to bear
The fact that you don't love me anymore,
And you simply don't even seem to care.
Being friends with you just seems like a chore.
The rules, the boundaries are just too much
No kisses, no hugs... I just can't resist
Your kind and sweet words, Oh I miss your touch
I never dreamed that the last time we kissed
Would be the end, and I love you a ton.
But it's over. We're over. Let's be done.

Opinions?! Thankyou