Dream while still kind of being awake, feeling and thinking odd things.

Okay this was more then odd, I was a sleep for around an hour and I was having this dream in my head, like a hack. I dunno how to really explain, how I seen this but everything in my dream was happen the way a hacks work but I'll just explain the dream and the insane feeling I had while dreaming.

Here is whats going on, I was dreaming about, dreaming.

While dreaming about dreaming the 2nd dream was to appertain items like:

1. Money
2. Personal things I'd buy from the store.

My mind was trying to tell me in the first part of the dream that I could, develop a sequences of thoughts to make money and items magic appear in my home or “places” my mind was thinking and thinking these things to go.

Once I started feeling, the 2nd half the dream kicking in where, I was dreaming inside the dream, this part was the first dream telling me to go into the 2nd dream to command the items that I want.
This is where the insane feeling started happening and it felt like I was flouting 10 feet, of the bed in general of the bed. And my head, had a HARD presser in the center and my head was shaking very, very hard like it was about to explode.

To some up the dream:

1. It was a dream about going to another dream to command my brain to get items magically.

Would anybody think there could be something seriously wrong with me, after this has happened to me?