I have following doubts :
1.I heard a lot of modern economists agree that price of goods/services should be what the buyer wants to pay & what the seller wants to take but if the buyer is a patient(an addict of the product/service,,or patient of affluenza ),then paying such high price may ruin his life .
Again when the buyer is less informed (due to lack of education/IQ/general knowledge/info about the details of the product & its pros/cons ) & the seller/state doesn`t take pains to make him understand all these things,how can the buyer take the right decision ?
In hospitals ,doctors first give their EXPERT OPINION,then take an ``INFORMED CONSENT `` after ensuring that the patient has understood the details of the treatment procedure & its pros/cons .
but I guess in almost all other fields,nobody takes INFORMED OPINION`` of the citizens .
So,Is it OK for us to allow the seller to take whatever he can from buyer ?
2.I heard capitalism ,encourages socicoeconomic hierarchy & the lower status person eyes the higher status .So,corruption /bribery increase,but some people say its the socialist countries which have got max corruption.
Is it because of the poor implementation of true socialism/egalitarianism in those socialist countries?
3.I heard after worldwar II ,rich country(say A),invested in victim country(say B ) to save the economy .
How does foreign investment help the country B ? Is it by Tax Gains ? What was the form of investment ?Is it like manufacturing products & selling ? If yes,how could the poor people of the victim country afford those products ?
