1. Which statement most accurately describes what many artists and musicians did after World War I? (Points: 3)
Many tried to depict a new, deeper reality by experimenting with fresh forms.

Disillusionment and depression prevented many artists and musicians from working.

Most tried to portray the horrendous violence of the war.

Most tried to cheer people up by creating the most beautiful objects in the world.

2. Which group most accurately describes the changes that took place after the end of the Great War?

(Points: 3)
Group A

Group B

3. Who produced Cubist paintings that looked like he had shattered reality and reassembled the fragments? (Points: 3)
Wassily Kandinsky

Salvador Dali

Tristan Tzara

Pablo Picasso

4. Why did the United States experience greater prosperity than Europe did after the Great War? (Points: 3)
Americans discovered gold in California.

Europe was recovering from the destruction of World War I.

Americans were technologically savvier than Europeans.

Americans were willing to work longer hours than Europeans.

5. What is Islamism? (Points: 3)
the body of documents that explain all of the important principles of Islam

the study of Muslim documents

the movement that advocates Muslim teaching and law in all aspects of society

the group of Muslim followers that are related to the descendants of Muhammad

6. After World War I, which of the following did not contribute to the rise of nationalism and Islamism in the Middle East?
(Points: 3)
disintegration of the Ottoman Empire

European imperialism

Great War

American imperialism

7. Who thought the Turks should dress like westerners, adopt the Latin alphabet, attend state-run schools, and use the Gregorian calendar? (Points: 3)
Hasan al-Banna

Saad Zaghlul


Ibn Saud

8. As nationalism spread in the early twentieth century, more and more Jews wanted their own state. Where did they want to establish it? (Points: 3)


Saudi Arabia


9. Name the Wahhabist leader who founded the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and ran his government according to the Islamic moral and legal code. (Points: 3)
Sharif Hussein

Ibn Saud

Reza Khan


10. Which group of statements best describes the causes and spread of the Great Depression?

(Points: 3)
Group A

Group B

11. Which of the following had little or no effect on the rise to power of totalitarian leaders in Italy and Germany in the 1930s? (Points: 3)
serious economic problems

uncertainty about the future

chaos in the aftermath of war

abundant natural resources

12. Benito Mussolini used many techniques to consolidate his power in Italy. Which of the following steps did he avoid? (Points: 3)
He used militarism to rally his supporters.

He gave the trade unions greater power.

He extolled the glories of ancient Rome.

He played on the public’s fear of communism and socialism

13. Communism and fascism resemble each other in many ways. Which of the following characteristics applies only to communism? (Points: 3)
The governments are often ruled by dictators.

The government owns most of the land, factories, and other resources.

They claim that individual liberties must be sacrificed for the greater good.

They tend to suppress opposition parties.

14. What did Adolf Hitler consider the driving force of history? (Points: 3)
economic power

military might

class conflict


15. Stalin used all of the following measures to consolidate his power except (Points: 3)
sending people to prison camps

pitting his rivals against each other

killing dissidents

holding free elections

16. What was Stalin’s primary motivation for establishing collective farms? (Points: 3)
He wanted to feed his starving population.

He wanted to please the peasants.

He wanted to free peasants to work in the factories.

He made a profitable deal with a large agricultural equipment company.

17. In Japan militarists were able to establish a dictatorship partly because the country was facing severe economic problems. Which of the following had little or no effect on Japan’s economic crisis? (Points: 3)
limited farmland

the Great Depression

foreign intervention

few natural resources

18. What form of government controls almost every aspect of people’s liv