...them about Beck? I've seen them on video reveling in that Florida House member who lied about what his opponent said saying "well that's what works" Cenk Youger said that. They are deliberate liars and Propagandists. If you want to see the vid of it see How the World Works video's on YouTube, one is directed right there and it's Cenk in his own words supporting lies and laughing about them. And besides that Cenk has always been a lying piece of shit as have the Young Jerks in general. Not speculating or just talking, they are liars and they do it purposely, that's just them.

Beck didn't say anything like Japanese deserved this. What he did do is contrast their behavior against Progressives and praise the Japanese for their character. Beck would have never in a million years said anything detracting about the Japanese. He'll probably address this on his show if it's a big deal. Watch it and find out for yourself if you're not satisfied with being a drooling idiot sheep.