I cant find the answers to these questions is my notes and I left my book at school. I've tried looking them up but none of what I find makes sense. Any help is appreciated.

Hydrogen's blue Balmer emission lines are a result of the electron transition from
1.the first to the third electron orbital
2.the second to the first excited state
3.the third to second electron orbital
4.the fourth to the first excited state
5.the third to the fifth electron orbital

The two forms of E-M radiation which experience the least atmospheric opacity are
1.Light and radio waves
2.Light and infrared waves
3.ultraviolet and infrared waves
4.microwaves and television waves
5.X and gamma radiation

T or F: Electric fields can be changed without any effects on the magnetic fields of a body

T or F: The greater the disturbance of the medium the higher the amplitude of the wave

T or F: Stefan's law claims that the total energy radiated by a black body is proportional to the square of its temperature in degrees Kelvin.