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Thread: Agendus 8.02

  1. #1

    Agendus 8.02

    Agendus 8.02 is out for those wondering when.

    This is my one public service annoucment for today.

  2. #2

    Agendus 8.02

    8.01 was a huge steaming turd, although 8.0 (if they'd left it alone) seemed fine.

    Have they fixed the crash where hitting the menu button on the T3 CRASHES the thing?

    Hmmm . . . . . Another thing : Probably only Mooseman will know the subtle differences in version numbers but I'm curious if they added anything in 8.02 other than hopefully stability.

    They're not very forthcoming about version changes in detail and what was "fixed."

  3. #3

    Agendus 8.02

    8.03 is supposed to be released tomorrow. There are several bugs that are still present.

    I've been in communication with the developers and they have id some of the issues and I'll let you all know if it's stable enough after 8.03 comes out. A very quick turn around from .02 to point 03 of 2 days? if they hold true.

  4. #4

    Agendus 8.02

    With coming through the gate at 902k and STILL HAVING GOOFS, 1st I really appreciate (as I'm sure everyone here does) your efforts with Agendus. No one knows more about that app than you do - I suspect even the "developers," but I'm really not debating Agendus vs Datebk5 any more.

    I AM DEBATING just dumping the thing. Period. K's Datebook is freeware; the stock Palm app is pretty good if boring, and the new TealPhone will link contacts with ToDos. When Agendus WORKS it's absolutely super - 5.35 was GREAT and simple and easy to read; 7.06 brought a lot of improvements. I think they're simply trying to bundle too much in one application at too great a cost; for example linking a photo ON THE CARD to a contact costs you (I forget exactly) around 30-50k -- FOR THE LINK ALONE! That's not the jpeg - that's just THE LINK to the photo on the card!! It's easier to just name the images by contact name, pick list view in Splash or AcidImage, and go from there. At Agendus' rate, 20 pictures of contacts would COST YOU A MEG OF RAM!! In addition to the 1MB for the app! That is to say the least ludicrous.

    I knew when the old 394k 5.35 jumped to 500 and then 650 and then 850k it was getting silly - a meg of RAM so you can have an icon of "scissors" for a haircut next Wednesday -- unfortunately the Datebk5 trial I downloaded 2 days ago CRASHES when loading an icon; apparently the "hi res" icons Agendus handles are "too res" for Datebk. It loaded the ugly black and white ones just fine, and for a while showed the color ones (of mine) in the list view of week -- however, tapping on details and tapping icon caused a crash, as did tapping on the icon itself.

    Jeez, I just want my icons and a link to photos of address listings; I've asked Tealpoint repeatedly to DO IT RIGHT and come out with a calendar app, but they're so tied up with OS6 changes and rewrites (good ones at that) of existing products they don't have time right now. At least their stuff DOESN'T CRASH, and if it does it's fixed within the week -- permanently. You'd think with all the money Iambic are making on Agendus, how much they've touted it, how often they send REALLY ANNOYING EMAILS, and HAVING GIVEN UP ON US LOYAL TINY SHEET CUSTOMERS, they'd have the time, $$$ and ability to FIX something before releasing it or STOP releasing newer, more bloated versions of a damn CALENDAR. I don't need a GIF of Szylvia Lauren over the weekly To-Dos; I just want it to WORK.

    Whew. Well I feel better. Again, thank you very much - I could think of no one else more of an authority given your experience with this product - hopefully you'll have some kind words of realism over the next few days. I'm also SERIOUSLY considering reloading the old 5.35 (the good one with the SOLID BLUE day headers instead of that goofy "this Monday" and "Next Wednesday" crap), but would probably miss a lot of the cool stuff now added like MakeSpot (that's a great help in coloring days of the month - Datebk5 does that TOO now, but I'm not reconfiguring 2 years worth of "icon building."

    I'm starting to wonder how much of the time I save being "productive" is spent fixing products that are supposed to make me productive. Seems WE ALL spend a lot of time updating PC/Mac/Palm apps, and then hoping like hell we haven't loaded one that gives us MORE problems than the previous "older" one.

  5. #5
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    Agendus 8.02

    Paul, not advocating a change, however if you used Icon Manager you could re-map your current icon sets to work with Datebk5. I've done this when playing with datebk5.....(I'm a registered user of it as well).

    I just simply can't get away without the contact management features that Agendus gives me.

    Plus I think that Datebk5 is about the same size as Agendus now anyway. There are just so many features that I don't want to live without and hence I put up with the issues by Iambic.

  6. #6

    Agendus 8.02

    I have Icon Manager and I renamed the icon set

    Like I said, they showed up for a little while but crashed on editing. You're right about size, Datebk5 is now 765k. It seems to offer more views - but like you I just LIKE Agendus and it's what I "learned on." The multiple small fonts, showing a ton of info in landscape in "next 30 days" mode, for example -- is terrific.

    The ease of MOVING dates around and RESCHEDULING meetings is great. The overall "readability" is better.

    Perhaps I shouldn't be so "upgrade mad" and stick with an older (or not quite so new) version and be happy - all I know is a tired a trial of 8.01 and it lasted about 9 minutes.

    Thanks MooseMan and I appreciate your sticking up for Iambic like I do Teal; a year ago Iambic were a very different, fairly priced, dependable and customer service oriented company. I wonder what's changed over there?

  7. #7

    Agendus 8.02

    the mighty $$$$$$

  8. #8

    Agendus 8.02

    I don't know that I'm sticking up for Iambic as strongly as you do Teal....however, I'm of the mind that the product is generally very good and Iambic has fallen into a situation of lack of sales that ties with the lack of PDA sales and to support a product with cashflow.

    I think that Agendus 8.0 was hasitily released in an effort to generate some cash for some undisclosed reason. 8.02 was released prematurely because several of us were "hounding" them over the lack of stability for nearly 4 weeks without the patch.

    It's the same old human productivity story - produce more with less.

    Regardless, I believe TealPoint does a much better job of beta testing before releasing. Iambic has gotten into a state of releasing and using the user's as beta testers which is not good for long term marketing although I'll put up with it.....for a short time.

    I don't feel slighted by having to pay for 8.0...it was enough of a bump in features for me to justify the upgrade. But if they do it again in 4 or 5 months - doubtful.

    While I was playing with Datebk5, I found that it was a bit twitchy with HD icon's versus low definition icons. I used Icon Manager to create two different files - one low denisity which seemed to work fine and the high density version which didn't.

    I reported this through a devoted Datebk 5 user in the iQue forum but that was prior to March so I haven't played with it since then.

    I'll let you know when 8.03 is released and report on stability on the Treo. My T3 is still in transit back from a friend so I can't tell you how it will do on it.

  9. #9

    Agendus 8.02

    8.03 will be delayed until next week.

    I can recommend 8.02 with the following caveats:

    It will goof up your birthday's. It moves them 20 years forward.

    1/4 View in expanded mode has some issues - it starts 6 months ago rather than the current date. 1/4 view compact mode is not affected.

    There have been other reported issues but they have yet to be duplicated by me or Iambic.

  10. #10

    Agendus 8.02

    8.03 is out and seems to have fixed most of the bugs. It's been on my Treo now for 2 full days and hasn't caused any soft resets.

    As always there are different devices with different situations that may cause specific issues on your device....however the board seems quiet so I think Iambic got it right this time.



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