TX worked fine until I upgraded new PC to Vista. Palm support had me download new Vista compatible desktop software and it all synched OK for a month although I started getting duplicate entries but thought nothing of it. Then all of a sudden, when synching, things locked up and you had to go to Task Manager to stop the synch process. Palm support has had me try synching all but calendar and it worked. They had me add dbfixit to my TX and run it but that did not help. I added indupe to my TX and that cleaned up all duplicates. They had me rename Palm files to palmold and that did not help. They now had advised me to do hard restart and begin again. I have 9 years worth of addrsses and calendar on my TX that I cannot afford to lose and do not know how to save it. I do not have the ability to enter line by line all old data. Need help from Super Moose Man if he is available. thanks.