I didn't have a period for three months (stress) and then I finally got it June 6, 2011. It lasted a week whereas it usually lasts 4-5 days.
On June 22, I was experiencing some cramps which I had hoped were a sign of implantation. Then, on the 23 I woke up and went to the bathroom to find two small drops of, brownish-maroon color, blood in my underwear. Sorry if tmi. When I wiped it was a light pink. So, again, I thought it was implication bleeding. That was cycle day 17. Today, it seemed to get a little heavier and darker in color. I know this isn't implantation bleeding now, but I heard of some women being pregnant and still getting periods and having cycles that were much shorter than usual. My average cycle is 26 days so this period started 9 days early.

I had unprotected sex June 3, 4, 12, 13, 17, 18, 21, and 22. According to fertilityfriend before this bleeding, I ovulated on the 17th, and after the bleeding it was calculated that I ovulated on the 12th.

Could it be pregnancy or just my cycle getting back on track? What could cause such an early period?